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GoodDesignAward|Japan Good Design Award

The Good Design Award) is created in 1957, Japan's only comprehensive design evaluation, recommendation system, it is a "through the design to enrich industrial production and living culture " movement, each year will attract a large number of companies or designers from around the world to participate. To date, the total number of awards received has exceeded 10,000 pieces. And won the "G logo".

The Good Design Award is organized by the Japan Design Promotion Association, a public interest consortium. Design Promotion Association of Japan, a public interest consortium, organized the "comprehensive design evaluation system". The purpose of the award is to evaluate and recognize the various forms of "good design" to guide our lives, industries and society as a whole in the direction of greater abundance (materially and spiritually).

Its origin is the "Good Design Selection System (Good Design Selection System) founded by the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now renamed as "Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry") in 1957. -(commonly known as the "G Mark System"). The system has been in place for nearly 60 years now. The selection covers all areas of design, and the number of awards received each year is about 1,200, with the total number of awards reaching over 43,000 in 59 years. In addition, only those designs that have won the Good Design Award are eligible to use the "G mark". It has a history of more than half a century "G mark" has been "good design" the indicator, its influence never fails.

What is your purpose in creating a product, business, or project?

To achieve this purpose and the implementation of the plan itself is actually "design". Color or form, technology or function is only a means to achieve the purpose. Design is usually centered on "people" and because of this, it has the power to contribute to the development of society. We believe that something that can truly enrich someone's life, or has this possibility is "good design".

Good Design Award's target:

Good Design Award's target is of all kinds, no matter it is tangible or intangible design can be applied. In the judging process, not only is the evaluation as a term to participate in the "design", but also the design process behind it, ideas, meaning and other aspects to consider and make a comprehensive judgment.

Now, the Good Design Award is open to all kinds of projects, from home appliances, automobiles and other industrial products to housing, buildings, from various service design, application software, public relations projects and local economic revitalization of communication design to business models, research and development, and other projects can be entered.

The goal of the Good Design Award:

The Good Design Award is not simply a competition-contest that compares the merits of designs. Rather, it is an activity that evaluates and recognizes the design from the point of view of whether the design of the target "can make life and society more affluent" that is, the effect of design - the point of view of utility.

"Good design" the ideas and methodologies contained in the design can provide both living and working people with clues to our future activities. This clue is both a source of new good design and a driving force for the creation of a new society. The Design Excellence Award aims to construct the framework of a platform that can give rise to "a creative chain reaction for a new society". So, what is the most important part of this "creative chain reaction".

There are all kinds of designs around us in the form of concrete things. However, if we only see the appearance of these things is difficult to perceive the ideas and concepts contained in them. Good Design Award hopes to express these "advantages" and "possibilities" in a more understandable language, so that more people "notice(discover)" and make society more colorful through creative chain reaction.

Ikeda 3D zoo

EcodaZoo:Ikoda 3D The zoo is a 360-degree panoramic online zoo website based on Flash engine design and development, developed by Japanese engineers using AS3.0+3dmax+ps, and won the champion of .net magazine's 2009 interactive website.

EcodaZoo website has excellent User experience, mouse operation, 360-degree rotation effect, simple and clear visual effects; this flash "ecological zoo" in the animals are silly and very cute, it can be seen that the author of the environment, the role of the design are profound.

EcodaZoo has 5 very cute main characters, you may want to look at their stories. After entering the page, you can first try to pull the mouse, experience a 360 around the vision. mr bag knot grass worms, yagi chan goat mr, mrs boo kangaroo lady, mrs angkor hair light fish mrs, mr kappa kappa mr, you can go to experience one yourself.

Online Chalkboard Graffiti Platform

KokuBan:Online chalkboard doodling platform KokuBan is a web-based online tool for drawing, writing and doodling on the blackboard with chalk.

allows even PC users to have a color The interface is like the of the Web, and when we open the site, it seems to take us back to the classroom of our school days, writing on the blackboard with chalk. You can use several colors of chalk to write or scribble as much as you like to get back the feeling of being a student.

The website also features amazing chalk drawings created by friends from all over the world on the "blackboard"! What? You can draw better than them? Then show us!

Japanese Furniture Design Studio

is Japan's newest home, packaging and image designer who is now getting attentionThe name NOSIGNER can be interpreted as NO-SIGN design, which is a good description of their philosophy.

Nosigner is a leader in good design in Japan. They focus on delicate craftsmanship and beautiful and simple products, and their insistence on this design philosophy has made their work gain a lot of influence.

Japan Creative Product Development Platform

BibiLab is a well-known Japanese The creative brand of BibiLab, integrating innovative technology, scientific lifestyle, physics, environmental science to develop creative lifestyle products, such as wilderness folding tents, human mosquito tents, roller umbrellas, human sleeping bags and so on.

For example, this The "human mosquito net" is a one-piece suit with a mesh of about 1mm. General screen mesh size is about 1.4mm, so the mesh of this mosquito net is more delicate. Before wearing can be sprayed with anti-mosquito liquid, will not make the wearer hot and sweaty, but also can be a long time to prevent mosquitoes.

There are three types of "human mosquito net", suitable for the height of 180cm or less L size blue "Cangtian summer time rain" and ivory "White tiger's temporary home" and for 165cm or less M size "heavenly maiden's feather clothes". It is reported that this human-type mosquito net can also be worn to the toilet. This is the company's "human-shaped sleeping bag" technology to carry out a new attempt.

Hanmo Architectural Design

Shigeru Ban Architects is the studio of the famous Japanese architect Shigeru Han (2014 Pulitzer Prize winner). The website publishes studio news, Shigeru Han's biography, Shigeru Han's works and awards.

Japan Children's Theme City Park

I believe that no matter who it is, in childhood, all have had Children's unique dreams. In their own world adventure, through their own strength, get what they want, and share their happiness with friends, so that they feel like adults.

KidZania theme city was born in Mexico on September 1, 1999 It is the world's first workplace experience park designed for children. The facilities in the park are two-thirds the size of the real thing, and are realistic enough. Children can dress up as a police officer in uniform to search for lost items, or as a firefighter to participate in fire-fighting activities, you can experience a total of 50 kinds of work!

In KidZania, there are firefighters, models, doctors, pilots, etc., more than 80 types of jobs and training places for children to learn and experience work. In different areas, combined with the different ages and interests of children, a wide variety of specific work, a combination of difficult and easy to prepare. You can file a pilot to operate a large airliner, you can be an announcer to broadcast the news, you can be a firefighter to carry out fire ambulance, you can be a kindergarten teacher to take care of children and so on.

While participating in various jobs, there will be a corresponding income. Of course, it is the exclusive currency that can only be circulated in KidZania. Children can experience various adult jobs and get KidZania coins in return. Children can save this currency and take it out for their next visit, or immediately buy their favorite things in the city.

Like the real society, in the theme city, for the convenience of the children to carry money, and the birth of the savings card. The children earn a lot of KidZania money, stored in the savings card, so that the time to come back to use. To a large extent, it satisfies the desire of children to accumulate various things.

Children can learn all kinds of things by playing. In Kidzania, the theme idea is to let children learn more social knowledge through work experience. In the process of doing games, they can learn about social rules and manners, understand the composition of the economy, and learn what they may have to do in the future.

Children learn to understand the relationship between various jobs and society, understand the joys - and tensions - of work, and develop self-reliance and social skills, as well as values. What parents see in the city is the happy smiles of their children and the process of growth. In the city, parents are not allowed to help their children with various activities.

In Kidzania, advanced technology is used to manage the safety of the children. Each child and participant has an IC card with a positioning system on their arm. After wearing this safety system, there will be no problem of children getting lost, or accidentally walking out of the theme city. At the end of the play, the staff must release this safety setting before leaving the theme park.

When the children come to the park with two harvests in hand - one is a gift purchased with their hard earned "Kidzo" money, and the other is a valuable experience invisible to the naked eye, each one must have discovered a new value for themselves!

Japanese Product Design Exchange Community

WhoDidit:Japanese Product Design The community is an online platform for sharing creative product, product packaging and print design in Japan, gathering outstanding designers from all over the world to share their ideas and thoughts on creative product design.

Packaging is a comprehensive reflection of the brand concept, product characteristics, consumer The packaging is a comprehensive reflection of the brand concept, product characteristics, consumer psychology, which directly affects the consumer's desire to buy. Packaging is a powerful means to establish affinity between products and consumers. Today, the globalization of the economy, packaging and commodities have become one. Packaging as a means to achieve the value of goods and use value, in the production, distribution, sales and consumption field, playing an extremely important role, is the business community, design has to pay attention to the important issue.

The function of packaging is to protect goods, convey commodity information, easy to use, convenient transportation, promote sales, increase the added value of products. Packaging as a comprehensive discipline, with the duality of the combination of goods and art. We use brand innovation strategies and consumer experience insights to provide creative packaging solutions. We focus on the identification structure planning of the whole product series packaging, so that the packaging can realize systematization and enhance the end performance of the product.

For product designers, whether novice or professional need to communicate with people, only in the process of communication to draw inspiration to create more relevant to the creative design of life, users who like this site may wish to collect it.

Watch animation to learn origami teaching platform

Origami-Club:Watch the action Origami-Club is a free website for children to learn how to make origami by watching animations.

As a game to develop children's intelligence is an indispensable part of modern education. This site through the animation to make it easier for people to learn how to fold paper, of course, origami is a game of care and patience, interested in trying it out.

Online beauty time show website

BiJint:Online Beauty Time Display BiJint is an Internet-based online time reminder site, but the difference is that the site uses a beautiful woman holding a sign to remind users of the way to attract the eye, they show a photo of a beautiful woman holding a time sign every minute, and then automatically updated every minute.

Based on a day of 1440 minutes (24 hours* 60 minutes), every day you have 1440 minutes (24 hours* 60 minutes). 60 minutes), you will be able to see more than 1,000 pictures of beautiful women every day! Once again, it proves that beauty can solve many problems, the streets pull a bunch of beautiful MM, holding the time sign, a creative website is completed! Every minute of every day there are beautiful women to see.

Initially the beauty clock site is in Japan rose, now there are similar sites in the country, and in addition to beauty, now there are also some handsome men, such as the theme of the clock site, quite rich, Bijin-tokei online just one month has attracted more than 240 million visits! The site every four minutes to change one, each person 4 poses, you can see about 360 beautiful women every day. Through the pictures you can see the beauty makeup, hair and clothing flow, as well as the street and weather, in addition to the Bijin-tokei beauty clock website time clock pictures on the right side of the information about the beauty's name, birthday, address, height, three circumference, occupation, blood type and favorite sites.

At the beginning of the time that is really a PLMM ah, but now a bit tasteless, what people have, and the taste of advertising is very strong, but it is worth looking at friends who have not seen it, a minute to change the MM lifting time sign, at any time to tell you what time it is, very interesting. And the site also provides Macwidgets and Google Gadjet, so you can more convenient to watch. It also gives a lot of apps, including uniqlock.

Japanese high-tech art studio

TeamLab Japan is a A super technical team composed of various creative professionals, which includes programmers, engineers, mathematicians, architects, web designers, graphic designers, CG animators, painters, etc. Dedicated to blurring the boundaries between art, science and technology.

Thirteen years later, 37-year-old Japanese Toshiyuki Inoko (Toshiyuki Inoko) still faces the same problem as when he started his business. People always ask, "What the hell are you doing?" It's really hard to define. The company Toshiyuki Inoko founded, called teamLab, is more of a broad creative agency, with experimental new media art exhibited in galleries and biennials, as well as a plethora of subtle products for the commercial sector.

MUJI to Sleep, an app that supposedly "helps you sleep", was launched this summer by teamLab. MUJI to Sleep comes from an 18-member internal ad hoc teamLab, and the person in charge, Kensho Mizumoto, took a few colleagues to find some beautiful places in Japan to record natural sounds and make a high quality application with five scene options. MUJI tells users that MUJI to Sleep can help you sleep - and in the store, MUJI to Sleep ads are displayed alongside sleep-related groceries.

teamLab's other slightly quirky products include a clothes hanger that can work with the screen - pick it up and the screen in front of you shows clothing suggestions and sales information, or an office face call system that can replace the company's front desk. The post. The consulting firm Towers Watson Japan (Towers Watson) president Awaren Keizo commented that Inoko is a change. In his eyes, morph is a friendly term for a genius and an idea. The young entrepreneurs' salon he organized is called the Mutant Meeting.

In the teamLab, a technology-engineered lab founded by "Pervert", you can find programmers, designers, mathematicians, animation producers, robotics engineers, editors, and even architects in a variety of roles. The teamLab's clients range from big companies like Toshiba, Audi, and TV stations to small, not-so-popular websites. Shuyuki Inoko and his 300 employees - the company started with five people - make different engines and software, and finally send a custom data package to the other party according to the customer's requirements.

teamLab's open meeting room occupies an entire floor of an old office building near the University of Tokyo and looks as colorful as a children's playground. At the peak of the afternoon meeting, the place is also as noisy as a playground. Employees have to grab a colorful square bench without a backrest to join the discussion of different project groups. The style of this meeting room has become a template for teamLab's interior design projects, and three creative-related companies and organizations have adopted this design. Reprinted from

Tokyo Designers Week

Tokyo Designers Week (TDWA) is an international design exhibition held in Tokyo, Japan, which has been officially launched independently since 1997 and is held once a year.

Nippon Design Center, Inc.

Nippon Design Center was founded in 1960 by a team of designers, photographers, copywriters and other specialists In the past few decades, under the helm of Mr. Kazumasa Nagai, the performance has been outstanding and there are many talents. In line with the development of the Japanese economy, the internal organization of Nippon Design Center has grown and changed accordingly, with the establishment of several departments, including the Corporate Identity Department and the Packaging Design Department.

Creative Furniture Collection

Colucci-design is a creative furniture collection website, the site collects all classic creative furniture, using dynamic visual effects to display it.

From furniture to room design, you can find the most advanced design ideas here.

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