

Ikeda 3D zoo

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brief introduction

EcodaZoo:Ikoda 3D The zoo is a 360-degree panoramic online zoo website based on Flash engine design and development, developed by Japanese engineers using AS3.0+3dmax+ps, and won the champion of .net magazine's 2009 interactive website.

EcodaZoo website has excellent User experience, mouse operation, 360-degree rotation effect, simple and clear visual effects; this flash "ecological zoo" in the animals are silly and very cute, it can be seen that the author of the environment, the role of the design are profound.

EcodaZoo has 5 very cute main characters, you may want to look at their stories. After entering the page, you can first try to pull the mouse, experience a 360 around the vision. mr bag knot grass worms, yagi chan goat mr, mrs boo kangaroo lady, mrs angkor hair light fish mrs, mr kappa kappa mr, you can go to experience one yourself.

Ikeda 3D zoo
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