

Online beauty time show website

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brief introduction

BiJint:Online Beauty Time Display BiJint is an Internet-based online time reminder site, but the difference is that the site uses a beautiful woman holding a sign to remind users of the way to attract the eye, they show a photo of a beautiful woman holding a time sign every minute, and then automatically updated every minute.

Based on a day of 1440 minutes (24 hours* 60 minutes), every day you have 1440 minutes (24 hours* 60 minutes). 60 minutes), you will be able to see more than 1,000 pictures of beautiful women every day! Once again, it proves that beauty can solve many problems, the streets pull a bunch of beautiful MM, holding the time sign, a creative website is completed! Every minute of every day there are beautiful women to see.

Initially the beauty clock site is in Japan rose, now there are similar sites in the country, and in addition to beauty, now there are also some handsome men, such as the theme of the clock site, quite rich, Bijin-tokei online just one month has attracted more than 240 million visits! The site every four minutes to change one, each person 4 poses, you can see about 360 beautiful women every day. Through the pictures you can see the beauty makeup, hair and clothing flow, as well as the street and weather, in addition to the Bijin-tokei beauty clock website time clock pictures on the right side of the information about the beauty's name, birthday, address, height, three circumference, occupation, blood type and favorite sites.

At the beginning of the time that is really a PLMM ah, but now a bit tasteless, what people have, and the taste of advertising is very strong, but it is worth looking at friends who have not seen it, a minute to change the MM lifting time sign, at any time to tell you what time it is, very interesting. And the site also provides Macwidgets and Google Gadjet, so you can more convenient to watch. It also gives a lot of apps, including uniqlock.

Online beauty time show website
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