

Japanese Product Design Exchange Community

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brief introduction

WhoDidit:Japanese Product Design The community is an online platform for sharing creative product, product packaging and print design in Japan, gathering outstanding designers from all over the world to share their ideas and thoughts on creative product design.

Packaging is a comprehensive reflection of the brand concept, product characteristics, consumer The packaging is a comprehensive reflection of the brand concept, product characteristics, consumer psychology, which directly affects the consumer's desire to buy. Packaging is a powerful means to establish affinity between products and consumers. Today, the globalization of the economy, packaging and commodities have become one. Packaging as a means to achieve the value of goods and use value, in the production, distribution, sales and consumption field, playing an extremely important role, is the business community, design has to pay attention to the important issue.

The function of packaging is to protect goods, convey commodity information, easy to use, convenient transportation, promote sales, increase the added value of products. Packaging as a comprehensive discipline, with the duality of the combination of goods and art. We use brand innovation strategies and consumer experience insights to provide creative packaging solutions. We focus on the identification structure planning of the whole product series packaging, so that the packaging can realize systematization and enhance the end performance of the product.

For product designers, whether novice or professional need to communicate with people, only in the process of communication to draw inspiration to create more relevant to the creative design of life, users who like this site may wish to collect it.

Japanese Product Design Exchange Community
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