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Asia Economic Journal

Asia Economic Daily is a Korean company's newspaper that provides Asian economic news, market data, stock analysis, economic investment and entertainment news.


Hakuhodo, Inc. (Hakuhodo) is one of the three largest advertising agencies in Japan (there are others), founded in 1895 and headquartered in Akasaka, Tokyo, with over 3,000 employees worldwide. The business of Hakuhodo includes media advertising, public relations, outdoor advertising, advertising research, book and periodical publishing, and large-scale event planning and organization.

CLASSY Magazine

"CLASSY." is a Japanese Fashion magazine, founded in 1984, is published monthly by Koumongsha.

Seoul Daily News, Korea

"Seoul Daily" is one of the three major newspapers in Korea, headquartered in Seoul, the capital of Korea. Seoul Daily News is the only newspaper in Korea that contains government shares.

Japan Okinawa Times

Japan's Okinawa Times was founded inIt is a popular and widely read newspaper in the country. The newspaper is fast in delivery and provides high quality and fast news service to readers. The newspaper is known for its in-depth reporting and is very careful in its choice of topics, mainly covering pacifism and armed neutrality.

Tokuma Bookstore

TokumaShoten Publishing Co., Ltd. is a Japanese publishing house headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo, that publishes entertainment magazines. Tokuma Shoten Publishing publishes such publications as Weekly Asahi Geijutsu, SF Japan, and Issue Fiction.

Japanese Culture Release

Japan NHK Public Broadcasting Television

NHK is Japan's only public radio and television NHK is the only public broadcasting organization in Japan, and its programs were launched in 1925. In order to broadcast impartially without being influenced by the will of the government or private organizations, and to give the best consideration to the opinions of listeners and viewers, NHK is financed by the subscription fees of households with TV sets.

Now NHK broadcasts through four television channels and three radio programs in Japan. NHK now provides television and radio services in Japan through four television channels and three radio programs. The two satellite TV channels are flexibly scheduled to meet the interests and preferences of a wide range of viewers. In addition, NHK Global offers a variety of broadcasting and television services overseas. The NHK Global Radio Network is NHK's external radio and television service that provides news and information to the world through television, radio and the Internet, broadcasting Japanese domestic and international news quickly and accurately to people around the world. To introduce Asia and the world; to quickly and accurately introduce Japanese life and culture, political and social trends, the development of science and industry, and Japan's position and advocacy on major international issues; and to contribute to the deepening of mutual understanding and friendly exchanges between Japan and the rest of the world.

TV Tokyo, Japan

Japan TV Tokyo () is one of the five privately owned television stations broadcasting throughout Japan. It broadcasts a wide range of programs on economic, political, cultural, financial and social issues, covering the whole of Japan and the world.

Tokyo TV is the TV station that produces the most animated films in Japan now The station has been producing programs with "individuality," "quality," and "influence" as its focus, and has been producing and broadcasting a variety of popular programs centered on the fields of animation, economic news, and entertainment.

Japan Joseishi Fashion Magazine

joseishi The official website of Japanese fashion magazine, the most popular magazine site for women at the forefront of Japanese fashion.<

Japan Hanazono Shiseido Magazine

"Hanazono" is a classic Japanese corporate culture The publication was founded in 1937, and its influence goes far beyond even the usual magazines. It shares with its female readers all the beauty ahead of its time, and its contents include fashion, beauty and culture. It is rich in art and culture, with an eclectic mix of Eastern and Western culture, offbeat and sensual, not following the crowd and not following the stream, and plays the role of a pioneer in both fashion sensitivity and.

The unique aesthetic fusion of East and West of "Flower Toon The charm of "Flower Toon" originates from Shiseido's second-generation president, Shinzo Fukuhara. He had dreamed of becoming an artist, and after returning from overseas with a passion for art, he inherited the family business and established the future brand image and design style of Shiseido. He established the Creative Department, whose members are Japanese designers or creators who have gone on to become famous in the world of painting.

In 1915, Shinzo Fukuhara himself designed the Shiseido brand's flower tsubaki logo (camellia), depicting the idea of a camellia floating on water. In 1919, he established the Shiseido Gallery to support the budding artists of the future. It is said to be the oldest surviving gallery in Japan, the one in Ginza today.

Although Shiseido's Hanazono has a monthly circulation of 100,000 copies, starting next year, this classic corporate culture publication, which is nearly 80 years old but still elegant and beautiful, announces that it will stop publishing monthly in paper form and transform into a purely electronic magazine.

CoinDesk:News Resource Network is A news and data analysis that provides trends and changes in the world of Bitcoin and digital currency, for technology, businesses and people. From explaining the very basics of what Bitcoin is, to showing users how they can buy Bitcoin and the latest news.

CoinDesk is owned by investors in streaming music Khan believes that the existing marketplace of resources, like Bitcoin Magazine and other sites, is too technical for most people, and in the last few weeks he has built a team of technical engineers and writers to build a site in the Bitcoin news space. He believes that building a news site is not just a project in his hands, but for him, Coindesk, Bitcoin and also digital currency, is an area of great interest to him, and this means more of a hobby.

CoinDesk, the global news resource on Bitcoin and digital currencies. it provides news and analysis on the trends It provides news and analysis on the trends, changes, technologies, companies and people in the Bitcoin and digital currency world. From explaining the very basics of what Bitcoin is, to showing you how you can buy bitcoins, to all the latest news in the digital currency world.

Journal of Natural Sciences

Nature:The Journal of Natural Sciences Nature is one of the world's first scientific journals and the most authoritative and prestigious academic journal in the world. It is also the world's first international scientific journal, reporting and commenting on the most important breakthroughs in the field of science and technology worldwide.

Nature is one of the few journals (other similar journals Nature is one of the few journals (other similar journals include Science and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) that still publishes primary research papers from many scientific fields. In many areas of scientific research, the most important and cutting-edge findings are published annually in Nature in the form of short articles.

Nature's primary audience is scientists engaged in research, but the overview of articles in the front of the journal makes the most important articles in the journal accessible to the general public. The editorial, news, and feature articles at the beginning of the journal cover matters of general interest to scientists, including the latest news, research funding, business conditions, scientific ethics, and research breakthroughs. The journal also features books and art related to scientific research. The remainder of the journal is dominated by research papers, which tend to be very tight and very technical.

Nature's Web site features a free natural science library and personal learning tools, currently focusing on the fields of genetics, evolution, variation, and biological complexity. The site also looks to expand its content to other areas of learning and education.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. NPG publishes journals, online databases, and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. lt;/p>

New Scientist Technology Magazine

NewScientist:New Scientist is a free international scientific magazine about recent technological developments, founded in 1956; The news of the scientific and technological circles also introduces many high-end scientific projects, and the book also promotes many scientific and technological activities, such as public lectures by experts.

New Scientist is a British weekly magazine, which is not a A peer-reviewed scientific journal, but widely read by scientists and non-scientists alike, the journal also often publishes reviews on environmental issues such as climate change. It is said that the reading of the IELTS test has the above materials. After all, it is a British magazine. It may be helpful for those who need to learn IELTS.

In the UK, the Science Department of every school must have journals, such as the ion accelerator of BioPhysics and the genetic engineering of BioChemistry. The book also promotes many scientific and technological activities, and the main readers are students and tutors who are studying A level-science courses and university Science in the UK.

NME Magazine

The New Musical Express New Musical Express magazine (NME), New Musical Express magazine and Rolling Stone magazine, operating magazines, online, music news, and set up the NME Music Awards, the awards based on the recommendation of non-mainstream music, known as the alternative version of the National Music Awards.

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