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brief introduction

CoinDesk:News Resource Network is A news and data analysis that provides trends and changes in the world of Bitcoin and digital currency, for technology, businesses and people. From explaining the very basics of what Bitcoin is, to showing users how they can buy Bitcoin and the latest news.

CoinDesk is owned by investors in streaming music Khan believes that the existing marketplace of resources, like Bitcoin Magazine and other sites, is too technical for most people, and in the last few weeks he has built a team of technical engineers and writers to build a site in the Bitcoin news space. He believes that building a news site is not just a project in his hands, but for him, Coindesk, Bitcoin and also digital currency, is an area of great interest to him, and this means more of a hobby.

CoinDesk, the global news resource on Bitcoin and digital currencies. it provides news and analysis on the trends It provides news and analysis on the trends, changes, technologies, companies and people in the Bitcoin and digital currency world. From explaining the very basics of what Bitcoin is, to showing you how you can buy bitcoins, to all the latest news in the digital currency world.
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