

Japan NHK Public Broadcasting Television

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brief introduction

NHK is Japan's only public radio and television NHK is the only public broadcasting organization in Japan, and its programs were launched in 1925. In order to broadcast impartially without being influenced by the will of the government or private organizations, and to give the best consideration to the opinions of listeners and viewers, NHK is financed by the subscription fees of households with TV sets.

Now NHK broadcasts through four television channels and three radio programs in Japan. NHK now provides television and radio services in Japan through four television channels and three radio programs. The two satellite TV channels are flexibly scheduled to meet the interests and preferences of a wide range of viewers. In addition, NHK Global offers a variety of broadcasting and television services overseas. The NHK Global Radio Network is NHK's external radio and television service that provides news and information to the world through television, radio and the Internet, broadcasting Japanese domestic and international news quickly and accurately to people around the world. To introduce Asia and the world; to quickly and accurately introduce Japanese life and culture, political and social trends, the development of science and industry, and Japan's position and advocacy on major international issues; and to contribute to the deepening of mutual understanding and friendly exchanges between Japan and the rest of the world.

Japan NHK Public Broadcasting Television
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