

Journal of Natural Sciences

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brief introduction

Nature:The Journal of Natural Sciences Nature is one of the world's first scientific journals and the most authoritative and prestigious academic journal in the world. It is also the world's first international scientific journal, reporting and commenting on the most important breakthroughs in the field of science and technology worldwide.

Nature is one of the few journals (other similar journals Nature is one of the few journals (other similar journals include Science and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) that still publishes primary research papers from many scientific fields. In many areas of scientific research, the most important and cutting-edge findings are published annually in Nature in the form of short articles.

Nature's primary audience is scientists engaged in research, but the overview of articles in the front of the journal makes the most important articles in the journal accessible to the general public. The editorial, news, and feature articles at the beginning of the journal cover matters of general interest to scientists, including the latest news, research funding, business conditions, scientific ethics, and research breakthroughs. The journal also features books and art related to scientific research. The remainder of the journal is dominated by research papers, which tend to be very tight and very technical.

Nature's Web site features a free natural science library and personal learning tools, currently focusing on the fields of genetics, evolution, variation, and biological complexity. The site also looks to expand its content to other areas of learning and education.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. NPG publishes journals, online databases, and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. lt;/p>

Journal of Natural Sciences
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