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Cloud-based cross-platform task management tool

WunderList:Cloud-based Wunderlist is a cloud-based cross-platform task management tool that allows users to create detailed to-do lists and share them with friends and colleagues.

Wunderlist can be synchronized across platforms Wunderlist's simplicity and elegance are more difficult than eating a pig alive, and the product's features and design fit seamlessly together. The operation is simple and quick, and the todo list is synchronized across devices directly after free account registration. Wunderlist is installed on Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod, and it doesn't cost a penny.

Wunderlist's founder is Christiana Leiper, 9 years old, Leiper alone to Berlin to study computer science and international management, when his biggest dream is to create a world-class technology company that can affect all of Europe. But contrary to those who dropped out of school to start a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Leiper insisted on finishing the entire university, and even after graduation as a number of employees of the company. Until 2010, Leiper only started his own company: 6Wunderkinder.

Wachete|Online Web Change Monitoring Tool

" Wachete" is a tool that can monitor any web content changes, as long as the content changes will be automatically sent to the set up email for alert, this function can be used to track the product price and web code modification changes and other issues.

Wachete features the ability to monitor pages with It also generates RSS feeds for monitoring pages, so that users can receive notifications through other tools, or automatically send email alerts when changes occur, which is no problem for Chinese content. According to the Wachete website usage example, it can be used in the following situations:

1, to buy the goods you want at the best price.

2. If you are a store owner, you can also track whether other competitors have reduced their prices.

3. Webmasters use it to track whether the original code of the web page has been modified or switched.

4、Monitoring the health of the website and finding out faster if the website does not open properly.

5、Detect any changes to the legal content on the customer's website.

6.Check if there are new job openings in certain companies.

Although this service is a paid feature, but also for a small number of users to provide free plans, free plans can monitor five pages, interval 24 hours, although not enough real-time, but if you simply try to use or leave the detection is actually no problem. If you need a shorter interval and monitor more pages, consider paying for an upgrade.

Website CSS Design Tools

CssPiffle:Website CSS Design tool is an online CSS interface design tool, no need to write any code to achieve the effect you want, simple and practical, only need to have network to create website effects online.

CssPiffle:Website CSS Design Tools features:

1、Wireframe:You can use CSS Piffle to apply HTML5 and css3 to create interactive wireframes.

3、Animations:Using CSS Piffle tool you can easily create animation effects.

Throw away complex and difficult web design tools, experience online CSS production tools, as long as you understand the use of the way, efficient and fast to create web design is not difficult to achieve.

Online file format corruption setup tool
RSS feed aggregation platform

BlogLovin: fashion content management platform is a content collection station blog similar to Tumblr and RSS, but With the addition of the content refinement function, users can easily and interestingly obtain a lot of blog content about fashion. Like RSS, you can read all the latest blogs by signing up.

On the Bloglovin platform, users can easily and interestingly obtain a lot of blog content about fashion. Like RSS, you can read all the latest blogs by signing up. But it not only provides a platform and content manager, but also simplifies the content on this basis and selects its key points and highlights.

At present, registered users have reached 1.5 million, the monthly user activity rate is 50%, and the user visits from mobile phones are close to 50%. Currently, a smart phone application has been released, and will be followed soon Launched the iPhone version of the app and became the first blog experience website for mobile users. And then will launch iPad and Android versions.

In addition to making a difference on the mobile phone, Swenson also plans to add more social functions. Even if readers are not from the same region, the same language will be attracted by rich pictures, but unfortunately It is because the website cannot be accessed directly in China at present, and a proxy tool is required to browse normally. []

Web log analysis tool

WebTrends: Website log analysis tool is an open and flexible website log analysis platform for enterprises and The webmaster provides a wealth of website log data, allowing market personnel to quickly and conveniently evaluate all aspects of the company's online business, from static website content to blog enthusiasts' comments, etc.

Functional reporting, marketers can get answers to the most important questions for the business, on which companies can build and implement their ever-changing marketing strategies and online media.

Maximize your Web 2.0 investment by evaluating and testing visitor interactions with media-rich applications, online video, RSS feeds, self-generated media, and more. The preset reports provide dynamic graphical reports of standardized tracking data and results, and can be easily customized to obtain performance judgment data customized for different industry needs.

Targeting those content, channels, partners, and campaigns increases conversion rates, and improves customer stickiness by focusing on the most effective ones based on analysis results.

Drag and drop customer analysis data and other website data in the report for flexible calculation. Calculated ratio data will be automatically added as fixed data in the report.

Drive adoption across the enterprise and integrate key analytics data with other reporting and marketing solutions through open technologies such as ODBC, FTP and web services.

Easily send reports automatically via E-mail in the report panel, so as to quickly provide one-time analysis or continuous update analysis to anyone in the enterprise

Pass Define permissions for individual or a class of report users and implement process management with setting roles and role groups to reduce emergencies. You can also obtain high control and high efficiency by customizing and setting roles.

Provides reports in 9 languages for businesses: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

Online Indoor Layout Simulation Tool

The design inspiration platform can be divided into 3D interior layout planning tools, interior decoration design tools, and Dulux paint color extraction tools.

If you want to find some foreign interior design works, then you need to be familiar with them The design tools used, the site goes from interior layout to interior design to paint colors in one step. In addition, it also includes a large number of design works for you to browse.

Online Collaborative Whiteboard Sharing Tool

SpaceDeck: The online collaborative whiteboard sharing tool is a tool to help users realize paperless office. The sharing of designs, pictures, lesson plans, videos, mind maps and other content between teams is suitable for students, teachers and scientists. spacedeck can easily write and communicate concepts and ideas visually.

Whether you are at home or in the office, you can use your computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc. Smart devices can be used for online writing and communication, and all content can be automatically synchronized between the browser and the smart office, and stored on the cloud platform.

Spacedeck deploys cutting-edge technology to power its services. The web application makes heavy use of the latest HTML5 and JavaScript features like hardware accelerated rendering, WebSockets, video, audio and storage APIs, supported by CoffeeScript and Backbone. The server stack is implemented in Scala using the Play Framework and Akka for asynchronous tasks. For storage, we use MongoDB and for our fulltext indexing, Elasticsearch.

Spacedeck ist hosted at Greenqcloud. Their compute cloud and data storage services are hosted at 100% renewable energy powered facilities.

Vectary|Online Free 3D Modeling Tool

"Vectary" is an easy-to-use online free 3D model design tool. Thousands of 3D models, users can choose any published 3D models and create their own custom copies from them, very suitable for designers, students, professionals.

The "Vectary" platform runs on the cloud platform, and when editing objects, it can be in the low-poly model Switch between smooth and smooth surface models, and support import and export of 3D files; the intuitive user interface makes it easy to use the mouse for modeling and design, and most importantly, it can rely on huge works for reference.

Online corporate logo creation tool

Withoomph: Online Enterprise Logo Maker is a website dedicated to enterprise and company logo creation. Simple names and keywords can automatically generate multiple logo icons, saving you the trouble of finding a designer to design a logo. The services provided by this website are all free, and the exported logo format is PNG.

Both companies and individuals like to design a set of LOGO by themselves, because of their own aesthetic ability And the technology is not in place. Although there are good ideas, they are not able to design them, or they have no ideas at all. LOGO is very important to the corporate image. Since you have no ideas for your own logo, let others recommend it.

Withoomph website has developed a set of services to intelligently create logos through company names and keywords. You only need to enter the company name and the company's business description keywords, and hundreds of designs can be automatically generated Exquisite logo icon, and you can adjust the layout and color of your logo, and you can download the logo icon in PNG format for free when you are done.

Online Mobile Application Prototyping Platform

FlinTo: Online mobile application prototyping platform is a mobile application prototype using pictures to quickly generate prototypes, designers And product managers definitely don't miss out. Online production, as long as you upload a few design renderings and drag and drop a few times, you can deploy them on your mobile phone to view realistic interactive effects.

Make it easy to test iOS icon designs on your home screen. Only need 3 easy steps:

1. Upload the icon;

2. Open the link on your IPHONE;

3. Click on the install icon.

Flinto is a prototyping tool for iOS that lets you quickly create realistic, installable, shareable prototypes. It's like striking icons for an entire application, and in Flinto you can create interactive prototypes that can be viewed on the web and on mobile. Flinto can convert static images into prototypes that can be scrolled and rotated.

It is worth mentioning that the prototypes created by Flinto can run natively on iOS and Andorid devices - prototype testing does not require development conversion.

Online Contrast Text Highlighting Tool

Mergely: online comparison text highlighting is the visual Diff running in the browser, the comparison text is different and highlight it. A website can compare two documents and highlight the differences.

You can modify these places with one click, and the uploaded documents supported include php, asp, html , js, css, txt, doc and many other text files, and the website also supports sharing the comparison results in the form of short links.

Online Mail Template Design Tool

Topol is an online email template design tool, which can help users Choose beautiful HTML templates, and use email HTML templates to make your emails have artistic beauty, which can be used for free.

Users who have already used mailboxes know that there are not many good-looking email templates in the default mailbox. Many people like to design by themselves, especially some start-up companies. Many of their emails need to be designed to make some email templates in line with the company's style to improve the image of the company. After all, independent design is troublesome. If you have this need, you might as well try it This simple and efficient design tool.

Online Unit Conversion Tool

ConvertWorld: The online unit conversion tool is a very good conversion tool that provides multiple conversion formulas, including, Currency, weight, length, volume, volume, pressure, wind speed, translation, time zone, etc.

ConvertWorld is also a free online unit conversion tool that integrates almost all conversion formulas. The operation process is also very simple, and it is a very practical online conversion tool.

Online Form Search Builder

123ContactForm: Online Form Survey Maker is a platform that helps businesses and users create survey forms and polls online, founded in 2008; it is easy to use in three steps and requires no programming knowledge.

123ContactForm Features Features:

Real time form builder

Create any forms with our WYSIWYG form editor . There are basic and advanced fields that can be customized, form encoding options and many other features.

Email notifications

Receive the content of your form by email the moment it is completed. It can be automatically sent to multiple email addresses or to a specific address depending on the field's value.

SSL Encryption

SSL Encryption< The HTTPS protocol will make sure your sensitive form data is safe.

Protect your form with powerful SSL encryption. lt;/p>

Anti-spam protection

Use various anti-spam options, from Captcha images to blocking submissions from certain countries.

Protect your form with powerful SSL encryption.

Submissions archive

Keep a copy of your form entries in an online repository. Search for a specific message and resend it to your inbox.

Visitors can upload files

Receive any files from your form users. Pictures, documents, even movies can be uploaded via your web forms.

Export to CSV / Excel

Export all your form Import them into any database.

eports and charts& Any option field can be used to generate a report or chart.

View and share reports of your form submissions. ;/p>

Customizable form themes

Make your form blend in with your website. CSS or one of our many predefined free form themes.

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