

Online Collaborative Whiteboard Sharing Tool

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brief introduction

SpaceDeck: The online collaborative whiteboard sharing tool is a tool to help users realize paperless office. The sharing of designs, pictures, lesson plans, videos, mind maps and other content between teams is suitable for students, teachers and scientists. spacedeck can easily write and communicate concepts and ideas visually.

Whether you are at home or in the office, you can use your computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc. Smart devices can be used for online writing and communication, and all content can be automatically synchronized between the browser and the smart office, and stored on the cloud platform.

Spacedeck deploys cutting-edge technology to power its services. The web application makes heavy use of the latest HTML5 and JavaScript features like hardware accelerated rendering, WebSockets, video, audio and storage APIs, supported by CoffeeScript and Backbone. The server stack is implemented in Scala using the Play Framework and Akka for asynchronous tasks. For storage, we use MongoDB and for our fulltext indexing, Elasticsearch.

Spacedeck ist hosted at Greenqcloud. Their compute cloud and data storage services are hosted at 100% renewable energy powered facilities.

Online Collaborative Whiteboard Sharing Tool
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