

Wachete|Online Web Change Monitoring Tool

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brief introduction

" Wachete" is a tool that can monitor any web content changes, as long as the content changes will be automatically sent to the set up email for alert, this function can be used to track the product price and web code modification changes and other issues.

Wachete features the ability to monitor pages with It also generates RSS feeds for monitoring pages, so that users can receive notifications through other tools, or automatically send email alerts when changes occur, which is no problem for Chinese content. According to the Wachete website usage example, it can be used in the following situations:

1, to buy the goods you want at the best price.

2. If you are a store owner, you can also track whether other competitors have reduced their prices.

3. Webmasters use it to track whether the original code of the web page has been modified or switched.

4、Monitoring the health of the website and finding out faster if the website does not open properly.

5、Detect any changes to the legal content on the customer's website.

6.Check if there are new job openings in certain companies.

Although this service is a paid feature, but also for a small number of users to provide free plans, free plans can monitor five pages, interval 24 hours, although not enough real-time, but if you simply try to use or leave the detection is actually no problem. If you need a shorter interval and monitor more pages, consider paying for an upgrade.

Wachete|Online Web Change Monitoring Tool
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