

Cloud-based cross-platform task management tool

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brief introduction

WunderList:Cloud-based Wunderlist is a cloud-based cross-platform task management tool that allows users to create detailed to-do lists and share them with friends and colleagues.

Wunderlist can be synchronized across platforms Wunderlist's simplicity and elegance are more difficult than eating a pig alive, and the product's features and design fit seamlessly together. The operation is simple and quick, and the todo list is synchronized across devices directly after free account registration. Wunderlist is installed on Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone, iPod, and it doesn't cost a penny.

Wunderlist's founder is Christiana Leiper, 9 years old, Leiper alone to Berlin to study computer science and international management, when his biggest dream is to create a world-class technology company that can affect all of Europe. But contrary to those who dropped out of school to start a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Leiper insisted on finishing the entire university, and even after graduation as a number of employees of the company. Until 2010, Leiper only started his own company: 6Wunderkinder.

Cloud-based cross-platform task management tool
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