

Web log analysis tool

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brief introduction

WebTrends: Website log analysis tool is an open and flexible website log analysis platform for enterprises and The webmaster provides a wealth of website log data, allowing market personnel to quickly and conveniently evaluate all aspects of the company's online business, from static website content to blog enthusiasts' comments, etc.

Functional reporting, marketers can get answers to the most important questions for the business, on which companies can build and implement their ever-changing marketing strategies and online media.

Maximize your Web 2.0 investment by evaluating and testing visitor interactions with media-rich applications, online video, RSS feeds, self-generated media, and more. The preset reports provide dynamic graphical reports of standardized tracking data and results, and can be easily customized to obtain performance judgment data customized for different industry needs.

Targeting those content, channels, partners, and campaigns increases conversion rates, and improves customer stickiness by focusing on the most effective ones based on analysis results.

Drag and drop customer analysis data and other website data in the report for flexible calculation. Calculated ratio data will be automatically added as fixed data in the report.

Drive adoption across the enterprise and integrate key analytics data with other reporting and marketing solutions through open technologies such as ODBC, FTP and web services.

Easily send reports automatically via E-mail in the report panel, so as to quickly provide one-time analysis or continuous update analysis to anyone in the enterprise

Pass Define permissions for individual or a class of report users and implement process management with setting roles and role groups to reduce emergencies. You can also obtain high control and high efficiency by customizing and setting roles.

Provides reports in 9 languages for businesses: Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

Web log analysis tool
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