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WHO World Health Organization official website

The official website of the WHO World Health Organization is WHO is the guiding and coordinating body for health issues within the United Nations system, providing leadership on global health matters, developing the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, providing technical support to countries, and monitoring and evaluating health trends.

World Health Organization The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency under the United Nations, only sovereign states can participate, is the largest international intergovernmental health organization, the existing 193 member states. 1946 International Health Assembly passed the "World Health Organization Organization Act", April 7, 1948, the World Health Organization announced the establishment. So every year, April 7 has become a global "World Health Day".

WHO's funding sources: one is the membership fees paid by member countries, constituting the "regular budget. The second is earmarked funds and other income from the Pan American Health Organization, the Voluntary Fund for the Advancement of Organizations, UNICEF, the Drug Abuse Control Fund, the Environmental Planning Agency, emergency activities, the Refugee Emergency Commissioner's Office, the Disaster Relief Agency, the World Bank, and others.

Official Website of the French Patent Office

Patents are the only thing that competitors in a business The patent is the only place where certain critical information must be disclosed to the public that is not disclosed elsewhere. Therefore, the analysts of the competitive information of the enterprise can get a large amount of useful information from the patent literature through the detailed, strict, comprehensive and relevant analysis, and make the public patent information for the use of the enterprise, so as to realize its unique economic value. Inpi:The French Patent Office is the only patent office in the world that has the right to apply for a patent of absolute novelty and technological progress. The French Patent Office grants patents to inventions of absolute novelty and technical progress, scientific principles, artistic creations, rules, methods and computer programs cannot be protected by inventions, methods can be applied for utility models, foreigners or non-residents of France are required to appoint an agent. The patent is granted to foreigners and non-residents of France;

World Heritage Committee Official Website

The World Heritage Committee (World Heritage Centre) is an intergovernmental organization under UNESCO. The Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was adopted at the General Conference of UNESCO in 1972, and the Intergovernmental Committee for Cultural Heritage and Natural Heritage, the World Heritage Committee, was established within the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

The World Heritage Committee is composed of 21 member states The World Heritage Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, mainly by deciding which properties can be inscribed on the World Heritage List and by overseeing the protection of the World Heritage properties already inscribed on the List. The Convention defines cultural and natural heritage, as well as national and international safeguarding measures for cultural and natural heritage. The Convention provides that each State Party may identify its own cultural and natural heritage within its territory and submit its list to the World Heritage Committee for examination by the World Heritage General Assembly. All sites inscribed on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List are strictly protected by the State in which they are located in accordance with the law.

The members of the World Heritage Committee are elected for a term of six years, with one-third of them re-elected every two years. The seven members of the Committee constitute the World Heritage Committee Presidency, which meets twice a year to study the work of the World Heritage Committee. The Committee holds a World Heritage Assembly in a different country each year.

The World Heritage Committee has also established the World Heritage Fund, which provides for funding from "voluntary contributions from States Parties and voluntary contributions"; "donations, gifts or bequests from other States, UNESCO, other organizations of the United Nations system, other intergovernmental organizations, public or private institutions or individuals"; "interest earned on the basic sums"; "funds raised and donations made for the benefit of the Fund"; and funds and income from activities organized for the Fund"; "other funds recognized by the Fund's regulations". "Contributions to the Fund shall not be subject to political conditions", and the States Parties shall regularly pay contributions to the World Heritage Fund every two years, etc.

UNESCO also has a dedicated World Heritage Centre, also known as the "Executive Secretariat of the Convention". The Center assists States Parties in the practical implementation of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, makes recommendations to the World Heritage Committee, and implements the decisions of the World Heritage Committee.

ICSU Official Website

ICSU:International Council for Science Headquarters in Paris, France ICSU, formerly known as the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), is one of the most important international academic organizations, formerly known as the International Council for Research, founded in Brussels, Belgium, in 1931.

ICSU: The main purpose of the International Council for Science The main purpose of ICSU is to promote international exchanges in science, coordinate the activities of international scientific societies and national scientific organizations, safeguard the legitimate rights of the scientific community, promote the social and professional ethics of the scientific community, and promote public understanding of science.

The organization concentrates representatives from all fields of natural science, and the various meetings it holds can reflect the common concerns of the various disciplines of natural science and the scientific community of various countries, and its academic activities reflect the level and direction of scientific development in the contemporary world. The organization is mainly concerned with interdisciplinary issues that have a greater impact on the entire scientific community and human society, and often initiates international research programs or projects of great scientific significance around these issues and organizes international exchange activities.

Members of international scientific unions are international, non-governmental, united professional organizations that have existed for more than six years in a scientific field. National (regional) scientific bodies are divided into national (regional) members, affiliated members and observers. International Scientific Affiliates are scientific organizations whose fields of study are not members of ICSU, but are within the scope of the International Council for Science (ICSU). Publications include the ICSU Yearbook, the Annual Report, and International Science (quarterly).

Embassy of Tajikistan in China

The website is the official website of the Embassy of Tajikistan in China. The official website of the Embassy of Tajikistan in China mainly provides the introduction of the Embassy, information about the Ambassador, the latest news, the President of Tajikistan, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy, the country profile, Tajikistan and China, consular issues, news and so on. The website is available in Chinese and Russian.

Nepal Immigration Office

The website is the official website of the Department of Immigration, Nepal ( Department of Immigration, Nepal is the official website of the Department of Immigration, Nepal, which provides information on visa, travel, laws and regulations in Nepal. The Department of Immigration, Nepal is located in the capital city of Kathmandu and is open every Sunday through Thursday.

Portuguese Ministry of Defence official website Portuguese Ministry of Defence is The Ministry of Defence is the military department of the central government of the country responsible for defence and military affairs. It is usually subordinate to the head of the government, but also directly to the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

Nowadays, in most countries of the world, the central government has a military administration, but in most of the countries, the military administration is not a part of the central government. In most countries in the world, there are military administrations, but the names, powers and organizations are not exactly the same. In terms of name, most countries are called the Ministry of National Defense, while a few countries are called the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Defense or other names.

is the highest administrative leadership of the Portuguese Armed Forces, whose armed forces consist of the regular army, the paramilitary forces and the reserve forces, and the regular army is divided into three military types: land, sea and air.

World Academy of Science

The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries, formerly known as the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), was founded in 1983. The World Academy of Sciences (The World Academy of Sciences for the Advancement of Science in Developing Countries), formerly the Third World Academy of Sciences (Academy of Sciences for Developing Countries), was founded in 1983 and is based in Trieste, Italy.

Italian Chamber of Commerce Federation

The Italian Federation of Industrialists ( Confindustria, founded in 1910, is the most influential trade association in Italy and plays a pivotal role in the country's economic development.

The Confindustria is present in 18 of Italy's 20 regions. The Italian Federation of Industrialists has branches in 18 of Italy's 20 regions, with 103 local associations and 95 industry associations.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce has been representing the interests of Italian companies and economic entities for more than a century and has become an integral part of the Italian economy. On the one hand, the Italian Chamber of Commerce provides a full range of services to enterprises, and on the other hand, it exercises self-regulation and self-restraint on its members, protecting the order and regularity of the market.

The purpose of the Italian Chamber of Industry is to represent the interests and needs of the Italian economy as a whole, to communicate with the various administrative and social institutions, as well as with the Parliament, and to make proposals to protect the interests at stake and to promote the development of the Italian economy.

The Unioncamere is a federation of provincial chambers of commerce established under Italian law, founded in 1901 and headquartered in Rome, known as the Italian Federation of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts and Agriculture, which currently has 105 provincial chambers of commerce throughout the country. The federation has certain governmental functions, and according to Italian law, all companies operating in Italy must be registered with their provincial chambers of commerce.

There are many Italian chambers of commerce, the most influential of which is the Federation of Italian Industrialists, and the most extensive is the Federation of Italian Chambers of Commerce.

The main responsibilities of the Federation of Italian Chambers of Commerce are: to support innovation and orderly competition among enterprises, to create favorable conditions for the establishment and strengthening of new enterprises; to strengthen and protect "Made in Italy", to promote Italian brands The main responsibilities are: to support innovation and orderly competition in the industry, to create favorable conditions for the creation and strengthening of new businesses; to strengthen and protect "Made in Italy", to promote Italian brands worldwide, to maintain market order and transparency; to promote the development of the "Chamber of Commerce mechanism"; to promote the development of Italian SMEs, to protect intellectual property rights and to promote the development of national e-commerce.

Turin, Italy Government Website

Torino is one of the most important cities located in the north of Italy. As the fourth most populous city in Italy, Torino has become one of the most important centers of education, culture and scientific research in Italy. The website introduces all aspects of the city of Turin.

Turin is the capital of the Piedmont region and the city Turin is the capital of the Piedmont region and is uniquely located with the majestic Alps encircling the city, the meandering Po River running through the city and the coastline only 2 hours away, making it the center of Europe. Turin is an international European city, sometimes referred to as the "Cradle of Italian Freedom", the "Capital of the Alps" and the "Capital of Savoia".

It has many cultural facilities and other places of interest. Turin is world-renowned for its Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical French architecture. Many of its squares, castles, gardens and palaces (such as the Palais des Dames) were built by Sicilian architect Filippo Juvara, who borrowed from the French classic Palace of Versailles in his design. These examples of French architecture include the Palazzo della Reina, the Palazzo Sturpini and the Sulpega Church. Many Italian institutions of higher education are located here, such as the University of Turin and the Polytechnic University of Turin. There are also many important and famous museums, such as the Egyptian Museum and the Minaret of Antonelli.

Official website of the European Securities and Markets Authority

ESMA:European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) is the European OTC product-related rule maker and modifier, and is the sole authority that approves mandatory central clearing for OTC products. All derivatives contracts traded on the OTC and unregulated markets are regulated in the European Market Facilities Regulation (EMIR).

The EU financial regulatory system is the financial regulatory framework created by the EU in response to the financial crisis. The institutional structure of the financial regulatory framework created by the EU in response to the financial crisis created three new bodies: the European Banking Authority System (EBA), the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) to replace the three old bodies: the European Commission of Banking Supervision (CEBS), the European Committee of Insurance and Occupational Pensions Supervisors (CEIOPS) and the European Securities Commission (ESRC). The European Commission of Insurance and Occupational Pensions (CEIOPS) and the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR).

On January 1, 2011, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) formally replaced the European Securities Commission (CESR) and is headquartered in Paris. Its mission is to establish a set of EU unified capital markets regulatory rules, through effective supervision and regulation to provide protection for EU investors, and to provide a level playing field for financial institutions.

ESMA has the power to make regulations and to register transaction data. Financial institution participants are required to report to the transaction database, which should include contract participants, contract type, expiration time and notional value. For non-financial institution participants, the reports are mainly related to OTC contracts. Such reports must be completed within one business day of execution, amendment or closing.

ESMA is an independent EU Authority that contributes to safeguarding the stability of the European Union's ESMA is an independent EU Authority that contributes to safeguarding the stability of the European Union's financial system by ensuring the integrity, transparency, efficiency and orderly functioning of securities markets, as well as enhancing investor In particular, ESMA fosters supervisory convergence both amongst securities regulators, and across financial sectors by working closely with the other European Supervisory Authorities. In particular, ESMA fosters supervisory convergence both amongst securities regulators, and across financial sectors by working closely with the other European Supervisory Authorities competent in the field of banking (EBA), and insurance and occupational pensions (EIOPA).

ESMA's work on securities legislation contributes to the development of a single rule book in Europe. This serves two purposes; firstly, it ensures the consistent treatment of investors across the Union, enabling an adequate level of protection of investors Secondly, it promotes equal conditions of competition for financial service providers, as well as As part of its role in standard setting and reducing the scope of As part of its role in standard setting and reducing the scope of regulatory arbitrage, ESMA strengthens international supervisory co-operation. Where requested in European law, ESMA undertakes the supervision of certain entities with pan-European reach.

Finally, ESMA also contributes to the financial stability of the ESMA also contributes to the financial stability of the European Union, in the short, medium and long-term, through its contribution to the work of the European Systemic Risk Board, which identifies potential risks to the financial system and provides advice ESMA is also responsible for coordinating actions of securities supervisors, including the establishment of the European Systemic Risk Board, which identifies potential risks to the financial system and provides advice to diminish possible threats to the financial stability of the Union. ESMA is also responsible for coordinating actions of securities supervisors or adopting emergency measures when a crisis situation arises.

International Energy Agency_IEA

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an intergovernmental international organization established by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 1974 with a secretariat in Paris, France, dedicated to energy security, economic development and environmental protection.

Consulate General of China in Strasbourg

The website is the official website of the Consulate-General of China in Strasbourg (CONSULATE-GENERAL OF CHINA IN STRASBOURG), mainly providing the Consulate General's introduction, consular information, consular services, regional overview, European institutions, bilateral relations, media information, etc. The website is available in Chinese and French. The website is available in Chinese and French.

Consulate General of China in Lyon

The website is the official website of the Consulate General of China in Lyon (CONSULATE-GENERAL OF CHINA IN LYON), which mainly provides information on the Consulate, consular information, latest news, announcements, bilateral relations, consular services, visa services, study in France, consular protection and assistance, etc. The website is available in Chinese and French. The website is available in Chinese and French.

World Federation of Exchanges

The World Federation of Exchanges (WFE) is an international organization of stock exchanges, headquartered in Paris, France. WFE members include nearly 60 national and regional stock exchanges.

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