

ICSU Official Website

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brief introduction

ICSU:International Council for Science Headquarters in Paris, France ICSU, formerly known as the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU), is one of the most important international academic organizations, formerly known as the International Council for Research, founded in Brussels, Belgium, in 1931.

ICSU: The main purpose of the International Council for Science The main purpose of ICSU is to promote international exchanges in science, coordinate the activities of international scientific societies and national scientific organizations, safeguard the legitimate rights of the scientific community, promote the social and professional ethics of the scientific community, and promote public understanding of science.

The organization concentrates representatives from all fields of natural science, and the various meetings it holds can reflect the common concerns of the various disciplines of natural science and the scientific community of various countries, and its academic activities reflect the level and direction of scientific development in the contemporary world. The organization is mainly concerned with interdisciplinary issues that have a greater impact on the entire scientific community and human society, and often initiates international research programs or projects of great scientific significance around these issues and organizes international exchange activities.

Members of international scientific unions are international, non-governmental, united professional organizations that have existed for more than six years in a scientific field. National (regional) scientific bodies are divided into national (regional) members, affiliated members and observers. International Scientific Affiliates are scientific organizations whose fields of study are not members of ICSU, but are within the scope of the International Council for Science (ICSU). Publications include the ICSU Yearbook, the Annual Report, and International Science (quarterly).

ICSU Official Website
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