

Italian Chamber of Commerce Federation

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brief introduction

The Italian Federation of Industrialists ( Confindustria, founded in 1910, is the most influential trade association in Italy and plays a pivotal role in the country's economic development.

The Confindustria is present in 18 of Italy's 20 regions. The Italian Federation of Industrialists has branches in 18 of Italy's 20 regions, with 103 local associations and 95 industry associations.

The Italian Chamber of Commerce has been representing the interests of Italian companies and economic entities for more than a century and has become an integral part of the Italian economy. On the one hand, the Italian Chamber of Commerce provides a full range of services to enterprises, and on the other hand, it exercises self-regulation and self-restraint on its members, protecting the order and regularity of the market.

The purpose of the Italian Chamber of Industry is to represent the interests and needs of the Italian economy as a whole, to communicate with the various administrative and social institutions, as well as with the Parliament, and to make proposals to protect the interests at stake and to promote the development of the Italian economy.

The Unioncamere is a federation of provincial chambers of commerce established under Italian law, founded in 1901 and headquartered in Rome, known as the Italian Federation of Commerce, Industry, Handicrafts and Agriculture, which currently has 105 provincial chambers of commerce throughout the country. The federation has certain governmental functions, and according to Italian law, all companies operating in Italy must be registered with their provincial chambers of commerce.

There are many Italian chambers of commerce, the most influential of which is the Federation of Italian Industrialists, and the most extensive is the Federation of Italian Chambers of Commerce.

The main responsibilities of the Federation of Italian Chambers of Commerce are: to support innovation and orderly competition among enterprises, to create favorable conditions for the establishment and strengthening of new enterprises; to strengthen and protect "Made in Italy", to promote Italian brands The main responsibilities are: to support innovation and orderly competition in the industry, to create favorable conditions for the creation and strengthening of new businesses; to strengthen and protect "Made in Italy", to promote Italian brands worldwide, to maintain market order and transparency; to promote the development of the "Chamber of Commerce mechanism"; to promote the development of Italian SMEs, to protect intellectual property rights and to promote the development of national e-commerce.

Italian Chamber of Commerce Federation
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