

Official Website of the French Patent Office

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brief introduction

Patents are the only thing that competitors in a business The patent is the only place where certain critical information must be disclosed to the public that is not disclosed elsewhere. Therefore, the analysts of the competitive information of the enterprise can get a large amount of useful information from the patent literature through the detailed, strict, comprehensive and relevant analysis, and make the public patent information for the use of the enterprise, so as to realize its unique economic value. Inpi:The French Patent Office is the only patent office in the world that has the right to apply for a patent of absolute novelty and technological progress. The French Patent Office grants patents to inventions of absolute novelty and technical progress, scientific principles, artistic creations, rules, methods and computer programs cannot be protected by inventions, methods can be applied for utility models, foreigners or non-residents of France are required to appoint an agent. The patent is granted to foreigners and non-residents of France;

Official Website of the French Patent Office
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