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OECD official website

OECD:OECD is an intergovernmental international economic organization composed of more than 30 OECD:OECD is an intergovernmental international economic organization formed by more than 30 market economy countries to jointly address the economic, social and governmental governance challenges and seize the opportunities brought about by globalization.

OECD: The full name of the OECD is Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), founded in 1961, currently has a total of 34 member countries and is headquartered in Paris.

The OECD has been described as a think tank, a rich man's club, or a non-academic university. OECD member countries provide nearly 60% of the world's goods and services, but in an interdependent global economy, the OECD clearly cannot function alone. It exchanges technology and ideas with more than 70 other countries around the world.

The OECD is often referred to as a "think tank," "watchdog," "rich man's club," or "non-academic "or a "non-academic university". It has all of these characteristics, but none of them fully summarizes the characteristics of the OECD. The most important role of the OECD is to provide a forum for governments to discuss, develop and improve economic and social policies. They share experiences, seek answers to the same questions, and coordinate domestic and international policies, thereby creating a system of interstate practice in an increasingly globalized world. Their interactions may result in formal implementation agreements, but more often, their discussions lead to a better understanding of what each government is doing in the public policy arena and clarify the implications of domestic policies for the international community. At the same time, the OECD provides an opportunity for member countries to present their views and exchange ideas with countries in similar situations. The Economic Statute

The OECD is a club of like-minded countries. It is rich because OECD member countries produce two-thirds of the world's goods and services, but it is not an exclusive club. In essence, membership is limited to countries with market economies and pluralistic democracies. The core of founding nations from Europe and North America has now been expanded to include Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Mexico, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Korea. The OECD has also established ties with many other countries in the former Soviet Union, Asia and Latin America through cooperation programs that may lead to their membership in the OECD.

International Council for Science_ICSU

The International Council for Science (ICSU) is one of the world's largest international academic organizations, founded in 1931 and headquartered in Paris, France. The ICSU is one of the world's largest international academic organizations, founded in 1931 and headquartered in Paris, France.

French Socialist Party

The Socialist Party is a French social democratic party, the largest leftist party in France, a member of the Socialist International and the European Socialist Party, and a member of the right-wing Union of Popular Movements, the two main contemporary parties in France. Its predecessor is the French branch of the Workers' International, founded on April 23, 1905, and currently headed by its first secretary, Haarlem Dezire.

Embassy of France in China

This website is the official website of the French Embassy in China (La France en Chine) and provides an introduction to the Embassy, information on the Embassy, the latest news, visas to France, an overview of France, announcements, schedules, news and more. The website is available in Chinese and French.

Chinese Embassy in France

Address: 11, av. George V, 75008 Paris
Country code: 0033
Tel: 149521950
Fax: 147202422
Email: & amp;lt;a class="__yjs_email__" href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" data-yjsemail=" bad9d2d3d4dbdfd7d8e5dcc8fad7dcdb94ddd5cc94d9d4">[email protected]
Tel: 53758805, 53758808
Consular Help Line: 0033 -615742537, 0033-153758840
Fax: 53758806

UNESCO official website

UnesCo:UNESCO UNESCO is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations (UN), abbreviated as UNESCO, founded in 1946 and headquartered in Paris, France. Its purpose is to promote international cooperation in education, science and culture in order to facilitate mutual understanding among peoples and to maintain world peace.

UNESCO is a global organization of governments discussing issues related to education, science and culture. UNESCO is an international organization that discusses issues related to education, science and culture among governments, with its main bodies being the General Conference, the Executive Board and the Secretariat. The General Conference is the highest authority of the organization and meets every two years to determine the policies, programs and budgets of the organization. The Executive Board is the governing and supervisory body of the General Assembly between meetings; the Secretariat is responsible for carrying out the day-to-day work and is headed by a General Secretary appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Executive Board.

UNESCO has 195 member states. China was one of the founding countries of UNESCO, and its legal status was restored in 1971, and its activities in the organization resumed in 1972.

Chinese Consulate General in Saint-Denis

The website is the official website of the Chinese Consulate General in Saint-Denis, mainly providing information on the Consulate General, consular services, special topics on Réunion, and the latest news. The website is available in Chinese and French. The Consulate General opened its doors on February 6th, 2010 and is located in the Rue de la General de Gaulle in Saint-Denis, Réunion, France.

International Astronomical Union

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is an organization of professional astronomers founded in 1919 and headquartered in Paris, France. The IAU is responsible for unifying the new world of stars, asteroids, and the definition and naming of astronomical terms.

European Commission

The Council of Europe (EC) is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1949 by the Statute of the Council of Europe, headquartered in Strasbourg, France, with members from the countries of Angola, Italy, France, the Netherlands, and Denmark. The European Commission is different from the European Commission, which is the administrative body of the European Union.

International Exhibition Bureau

The International Exhibitions Bureau (BIE) is an intergovernmental international convention organization that originated in France in 1928 under the Diplomatic Convention; it was formally established in 1931 and is headquartered in Paris. The main responsibilities of the BIE are: to supervise and guarantee the implementation, coordination and management of the Convention on International Exhibitions; to examine the bids of the countries bidding to host the Expo and to guarantee the level of the Expo;

International Agency for Research on Cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is a subsidiary of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), headquartered in Lyon, France. IARC's main responsibilities include promoting and conducting research on the etiology of cancer, compiling a collection of relevant papers, etc.

Association des Châteaux Indépendants de France

Vignerons indépendants de France (abbreviated as VIF) is a French association of the viticultural industry, based in Paris, dedicated to uniting and supporting smaller and independent French wineries.

International Animated Film Society

The International Animated Film Association (French: Association Internationale du Film d'Animation, abbreviated as ASIFA; English: International Animated Film Association; or (International Animated Film Association) is an international non-profit organization founded in 1960 in Anessi, France, with more than 30 chapters, of which the Los Angeles branch of ASIFA-Hollywood is responsible for awarding.

Official website of the French Government

Gouvernement.FR The official website of the French government is the official website of the highest state administration in France, which has the power to decide and direct state policy, to take charge of the administration and the armed forces, and to implement internal and external policies, in addition to the power of police and administrative disposal, the power to make regulations and the power to issue orders.

The highest state administration in France. It is composed of the Prime Minister, Ministers of State, Ministers, and Secretaries of State. The President appoints and dismisses the Prime Minister, while the other members of the government are appointed and dismissed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Other members of the government are appointed and removed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Members of the government may not also be members of the Assembly.

The Prime Minister is the head of the government, leads the activities of the government, is responsible for national defense, declares martial law in the name of the government, exercises the right to make laws, appoints civil and military officials, and enjoys the right to create legislation and propose amendments to the constitution on behalf of the government.

The president must consult with the prime minister before declaring the dissolution of the National Assembly or deciding to exercise extraordinary powers. When the National Assembly passes a motion of no confidence in the government or disagrees with the government's policy agenda or general policy statement, the Prime Minister must submit the government's resignation to the President. Since the President appoints and removes the Prime Minister, the duties of the Prime Minister are in fact not in name, and the Prime Minister is subject to the President's orders and can only play a supporting role.

Médecins Sans Frontières official website

Doctors Without Borders is an organization founded in Founded in Paris in 1971, Médecins Sans Frontières is an international volunteer organization of medical professionals from all over the world and is the largest independent humanitarian medical relief organization in the world. The organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its "consistent commitment to the right of victims of disasters to receive prompt and effective professional assistance".

Médecins Sans Frontières is funded primarily by private Donations. The organization's headquarters are in Brussels, Belgium, with five action centers located in Brussels, Amsterdam, Geneva, Barcelona, and Paris. The operations centers are responsible for managing and monitoring aid projects in more than 80 locations around the world, and their staff will be on the lookout for natural and man-made disasters and mobilize emergency support personnel and supplies to help with relief efforts in the shortest possible time.

In addition, there are 18 chapters around the world that recruit volunteers, raise funds and promote the work of the organization. These chapters include: Sydney, Australia; Vienna, Austria; Brussels, Belgium; Toronto, Canada; Hellerup, Denmark; Paris, France; Bonn, Germany; Athens, Greece; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Hong Kong, China; Rome, Italy; Tokyo, Japan; Luxembourg; Oslo, Norway; Barcelona, Spain; Stockholm, Sweden; Geneva, Switzerland; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; London, United Kingdom; and New York, United States. London, UK, New York, USA.

The organization sends volunteer medical and logistical personnel to areas affected by natural disasters, war, and epidemics to provide emergency medical relief to victims of war, epidemics, and natural disasters, as well as to provide basic medical care and surgeries, rebuild hospitals and pharmacies, promote nutrition and hygiene programs, and train local medical staff in areas where medical facilities are inadequate or even completely lacking. and health programs, and training of local health care workers.

MSF's charter is that MSF's relief operations provide assistance to victims of natural, man-made and war-related disasters without regard to race, politics or religion. Médecins Sans Frontières strictly adheres to international medical norms and upholds the right to provide humanitarian assistance and to maintain a neutral and unbiased stance.

MSF also requires that relief operations be carried out without hindrance. MSF volunteers agree to abide by their professional ethics and to maintain a politically, economically and religiously neutral ground. As volunteers, MSF members are aware of the risks they face in carrying out their mission and will not ask MSF for more compensation than the organization can provide. MSF's right to exist is not based on some official commission or international appointment, but on humanitarianism and the commissioning of 2.4 million donors worldwide and the dedicated work of thousands of volunteers.

The organization has thousands of volunteers in many countries around the world, consisting of doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists, laboratory technicians, logisticians, midwives, and administrative staff. Their common goal is to help those ravaged by war and natural disasters to escape from their plight. All volunteers adhere to the Doctors Without Borders Charter. They contribute their expertise and treat people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds equally.

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