

UNESCO official website

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brief introduction

UnesCo:UNESCO UNESCO is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations (UN), abbreviated as UNESCO, founded in 1946 and headquartered in Paris, France. Its purpose is to promote international cooperation in education, science and culture in order to facilitate mutual understanding among peoples and to maintain world peace.

UNESCO is a global organization of governments discussing issues related to education, science and culture. UNESCO is an international organization that discusses issues related to education, science and culture among governments, with its main bodies being the General Conference, the Executive Board and the Secretariat. The General Conference is the highest authority of the organization and meets every two years to determine the policies, programs and budgets of the organization. The Executive Board is the governing and supervisory body of the General Assembly between meetings; the Secretariat is responsible for carrying out the day-to-day work and is headed by a General Secretary appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Executive Board.

UNESCO has 195 member states. China was one of the founding countries of UNESCO, and its legal status was restored in 1971, and its activities in the organization resumed in 1972.

UNESCO official website
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