

Official website of the French Government

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brief introduction

Gouvernement.FR The official website of the French government is the official website of the highest state administration in France, which has the power to decide and direct state policy, to take charge of the administration and the armed forces, and to implement internal and external policies, in addition to the power of police and administrative disposal, the power to make regulations and the power to issue orders.

The highest state administration in France. It is composed of the Prime Minister, Ministers of State, Ministers, and Secretaries of State. The President appoints and dismisses the Prime Minister, while the other members of the government are appointed and dismissed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Other members of the government are appointed and removed by the President on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Members of the government may not also be members of the Assembly.

The Prime Minister is the head of the government, leads the activities of the government, is responsible for national defense, declares martial law in the name of the government, exercises the right to make laws, appoints civil and military officials, and enjoys the right to create legislation and propose amendments to the constitution on behalf of the government.

The president must consult with the prime minister before declaring the dissolution of the National Assembly or deciding to exercise extraordinary powers. When the National Assembly passes a motion of no confidence in the government or disagrees with the government's policy agenda or general policy statement, the Prime Minister must submit the government's resignation to the President. Since the President appoints and removes the Prime Minister, the duties of the Prime Minister are in fact not in name, and the Prime Minister is subject to the President's orders and can only play a supporting role.

Official website of the French Government
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