

OECD official website

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brief introduction

OECD:OECD is an intergovernmental international economic organization composed of more than 30 OECD:OECD is an intergovernmental international economic organization formed by more than 30 market economy countries to jointly address the economic, social and governmental governance challenges and seize the opportunities brought about by globalization.

OECD: The full name of the OECD is Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), founded in 1961, currently has a total of 34 member countries and is headquartered in Paris.

The OECD has been described as a think tank, a rich man's club, or a non-academic university. OECD member countries provide nearly 60% of the world's goods and services, but in an interdependent global economy, the OECD clearly cannot function alone. It exchanges technology and ideas with more than 70 other countries around the world.

The OECD is often referred to as a "think tank," "watchdog," "rich man's club," or "non-academic "or a "non-academic university". It has all of these characteristics, but none of them fully summarizes the characteristics of the OECD. The most important role of the OECD is to provide a forum for governments to discuss, develop and improve economic and social policies. They share experiences, seek answers to the same questions, and coordinate domestic and international policies, thereby creating a system of interstate practice in an increasingly globalized world. Their interactions may result in formal implementation agreements, but more often, their discussions lead to a better understanding of what each government is doing in the public policy arena and clarify the implications of domestic policies for the international community. At the same time, the OECD provides an opportunity for member countries to present their views and exchange ideas with countries in similar situations. The Economic Statute

The OECD is a club of like-minded countries. It is rich because OECD member countries produce two-thirds of the world's goods and services, but it is not an exclusive club. In essence, membership is limited to countries with market economies and pluralistic democracies. The core of founding nations from Europe and North America has now been expanded to include Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Mexico, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Korea. The OECD has also established ties with many other countries in the former Soviet Union, Asia and Latin America through cooperation programs that may lead to their membership in the OECD.

OECD official website
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