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Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The Netherlands

The website is the official website of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands, mainly providing information on the departmental settings, education system, cultural development policy, science development policy, news, relevant laws, etc. The website is available in The website is available in two languages: Dutch and English. The Netherlands is a country that attaches great importance to education, and its education system is world-renowned. The Netherlands has 12 years of compulsory education, and the education system is divided into three levels: primary education, secondary education and higher education.

International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as "The Hague International Tribunal" and "The Hague International Court of Justice", is one of the six major institutions of the United Nations. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), also known as "The Hague International Court of Justice", "The Hague International Court of Justice", is one of the six institutions, but also the main judicial organ of the United Nations, was formally established on April 03, 1946, with headquarters in the Peace Palace in the center of The Hague, Netherlands. The International Court of Justice is the only universal international court with general jurisdiction, and its main function is to arbitrate cases brought by states, or to provide advisory judicial advice at the request of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, and to hear cases of alleged violations of international law. The Hague International Court of Justice is not the same as .

Netherlands Government Official Website The official government website is the gateway to the Netherlands' external communications and national policy information, available in both Dutch and English.

The main services of the Dutch government website include The official website of the Dutch government includes the introduction of the government and the establishment of various institutions. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, abbreviated as the Netherlands, is located in the northwest of Europe, the capital city of Amsterdam, the seat of government in The Hague, the official language is Dutch. The official language is Dutch.

The Netherlands is a parliamentary monarchy with a constitutional system in which the government is composed of the monarch and a cabinet of ministers, including the prime minister, and the executive power is vested in the king and the cabinet. The Privy Council is the highest consultative body on state affairs, chaired by the Queen herself, with other members appointed by the Queen.

International Federation of Prosecutors

The International Association of Prosecutors ( The International Association of Prosecutors is the world's only international organization of prosecutors whose purpose is to promote the implementation of the United Nations guidelines for prosecutors around the world and to enhance effective cooperation among prosecutors and personnel.

FIP was established in 1995 at the United Nations Office in Vienna. It is dedicated to coordinating the efforts of national prosecutors to strengthen cooperation in combating various types of transnational crimes, developing close cooperation among prosecutors from all over the world, and promoting the exchange of information among national prosecutors, enhancing their operational capabilities and improving their professional ethics.

Since its establishment in 1995, the influence of the International Federation of Prosecutors has grown, with its members spreading to 145 countries and regions around the world. The Federation currently has more than 172 corporate members from more than 171 countries, spanning five continents, as well as a large number of individual members. The Supreme People's Procuratorate of China is one of the founding members of FIPC and successfully hosted the Fourth Annual Conference of FIPC in Beijing in 1999.

IAP is an international community of prosecutors dedicated to setting and raising the standards of professional conduct and ethics for prosecutors around the world; promoting the rule of law, fairness, justice, respect for human rights and strengthening international cooperation to fight crime. The mission is to become the world's leading authority on prosecutors' criminal prosecution and related matters, and to become an organization with international credibility.

The Hague Court of International Arbitration

The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) is an intergovernmental international organization founded in 1899 and headquartered in The Hague. The PCA is not a court in the traditional sense, but rather an organizer for resolving conflicts between member states. At the same time, the Hague International Court of Arbitration is not the same as the International Court of Justice, which is one of the United Nations agencies.

Wetlands International

Wetlands International is a global non-profit organization based in Wageningen, the Netherlands, dedicated to wetland conservation and sustainable management, with activities in more than 100 countries and regions around the world.

Official website of the Dutch Royal Family

Koninklijkhuis: The official website of the Dutch Royal Family introduces the royal family, the history of the royal family, the organization, the introduction of the palace, and the state visits attended by the royal family. The history of the Dutch royal family dates back to the 16th century, when it was founded by King Wilhelm I. Today, the Netherlands is a constitutional, parliamentary state.

The House of Orange-Nassau, which originally belonged to two families The Orange-Nassau family is one of two families. The Orange-Nassau family is a Dutch royal family that has been in existence since the Middle Ages. Its originator is William I, Count of Nassau, Prince of Orange (1533-1584), who is revered by the Dutch people as the "Father of the Nation". He and his descendants were the founders of the historical republic of the Netherlands and the present-day Kingdom of the Netherlands.

International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an international organization established in 2002 under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, located in The Hague, the Netherlands, working in English and French. The ICC mainly prosecutes and adjudicates individuals who have committed genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and aggression.


Greenpeace (Greenpeace) is an international non-governmental environmental organization founded in 1971 and based in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. The mission of Greenpeace is to promote a greener, more peaceful and sustainable future by "protecting the security and sustainability of the earth, its environment and its various creatures, and making positive changes through action.

RIPE Network Coordination Center

The Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) is an independent not-for-profit membership organization in the Netherlands, founded in 1989 and headquartered in RIPE NCC members include Internet Service Providers (ISPs), telecommunications organizations, and major companies in Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Chemical Weapons Ban Organization

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is an international organization established in 1997 to implement the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and is headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands. OPCW is an international organization founded in 1997 to implement the Convention on the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, and is based in The Hague, the Netherlands, and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013 for its work related to the prohibition and destruction of chemical weapons. official website

WorldSkills Skills) was established in 1950, its predecessor is the "International Vocational Skills Training Organization" (IVTO), initiated by Spain and Portugal, later renamed "WorldSkills Organization" (WorldSkills International).

The WorldSkills Organization is registered in the Netherlands and as of June 2014 has 72 countries. As of June 2014, there are 72 national and regional members. Its purpose is to promote the improvement of vocational skills of young people and trainers through exchanges and cooperation among members; to promote the contribution of skills to economic and social development in the world by organizing the WorldSkills Competition and to encourage young people to join the skills industry. The main activities of the organization is to convene a general assembly every year, every two years to hold a world skills competition.

The WorldSkills Organization's governing body is the General Assembly (General Assembly) and the Executive Board (Executive Board), the standing committees are the Strategy Committee (Strategy Committee) and the Technical Committee (Technical Committee). The standing committees are the Strategy Committee and the Technical Committee.) The General Assembly has the highest authority and is composed of the executive and technical representatives of the organization's members, with each member having one vote, which is cast by either of the two representatives.

The Executive Board consists of the President, Vice President, Standing Committee Vice Presidents and Treasurer. The Executive Board manages the day-to-day affairs of the organization and reports to the General Assembly. The Strategic Committee is composed of executive representatives and is headed by the Vice President for Strategic Affairs, who convenes the meetings. The Strategic Committee provides thoughts and actions on possible strategies and ways to implement the organization's goals and objectives. The Technical Committee is composed of technical representatives and is headed by the Vice President for Technical Affairs, who convenes the meetings. The Technical Committee is responsible for all technical and organizational matters related to the competition.

China officially joined the WorldSkills Organization at the 2010 WorldSkills Organization General Assembly, China's formal membership in the WorldSkills Organization can constitute an international platform for peer-to-peer technical exchanges, which is conducive to learning from the experience of countries around the world in promoting skills training and launching skills competitions, creating conditions for China's outstanding skilled personnel to embark on the international stage. It is also important to publicize the achievements of China's highly skilled personnel and human resources capacity building, expand China's influence in the field of vocational training, and cultivate a highly skilled workforce with international standards.

IFLA official website

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ( International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), or IFLA for short. Founded in 1927 to strengthen communication and cooperation in the library community, IFLA is a UNESCO A-level advisory body, an associate member of the International Council of Scientific Unions, and an observer of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Its headquarters are located at the Royal Library in The Hague, the Netherlands.

In the second half of the 19th century, the development of libraries The development of libraries in the second half of the 19th century has increasingly called for greater cooperation among libraries in different countries. Following the establishment of the American Library Association in 1876, many countries established library associations and actively advocated the creation of international organizations of libraries.

On September 30, 1927, the British Library Association held a conference in Edinburgh to celebrate its 50th anniversary, at which representatives of library associations from 15 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States, France, and China, jointly advocated and signed an agreement to formally establish the International Committee on Libraries and Cataloguing. In 1928, the committee held its first meeting in Rome, decided to set up a secretariat in Geneva, and established six professional groups. 1929, at the congresses held in Rome and Venice, decided to change the name of the committee to IFLA, and formally adopted the IFLA Constitution.

IFLA is the leading organization of international library and information services, and the representative of the global library and information profession, it is the most authoritative and influential non-governmental professional international organization in the world library community, representing the interests of library associations, intelligence associations, and library intelligence services around the world. It represents the interests of library associations, intelligence societies, and library information service organizations around the world.

IFLA:IFLA Official Website Main Responsibilities:

The purpose of IFLA is to promote communication and cooperation among the international library community, to discuss issues related to the field of librarianship and information science, and to promote the development of the international library community. IFLA's mission is to promote communication and cooperation among the international library community, to discuss issues related to the field of librarianship and information science, and to act as a representative body of the library community in international affairs.

IFLA's main publications are: IFLA Annual (founded in 1969), IFLA Journal (founded in 1975), IFLA Trends (founded in 1981 and published in odd years), IFLA Guide, International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, and Specialized Libraries. The IFLA Guide, International Cataloging and Bibliographic Control, and Specialized Libraries are a series of 47 monographs.

Netherlands National Aerospace Laboratory

The Netherlands Aerospace Centre ( The Netherlands Aerospace Centre is Europe's leading non-profit research institute for aeronautical technology. Its main business is to carry out civil and military aeronautical research and development and experimental verification work commissioned by governments and the aeronautical industry in Europe and worldwide to ensure the safety, sustainability and efficiency of aircraft.

NLR's main mission is to improve the sustainability, safety and efficiency of the aviation industry and is responsible for the identification, development and support of advanced technologies for the aviation sector. NLAC's ambition is to be the preferred partner of the Dutch government in all aviation-related fields, while also striving to be the most competitive knowledge organization in Europe, continuously expanding its knowledge in aviation safety, environment, materials, etc. NLAC's ambition is to be the preferred partner of the Dutch government in all aviation-related fields.

Initially, in order to improve the safety of military aviation, the Dutch government established the Center for Aviation Research Services in 1919, which gradually transformed with the rise and development of the civil aviation industry and eventually became the current Dutch Aerospace Center. The birth of the computer and the development of the digital industry also gave a huge boost to the research of the Aerospace Center, and the Center has responded positively to the safety and efficiency issues of concern to the public.

NLR currently has close working relationships with international civil aviation authorities such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and major aerospace companies such as Fokker, Airbus, Boeing, Embraer, AVIC and COMAC.

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