

International Federation of Prosecutors

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brief introduction

The International Association of Prosecutors ( The International Association of Prosecutors is the world's only international organization of prosecutors whose purpose is to promote the implementation of the United Nations guidelines for prosecutors around the world and to enhance effective cooperation among prosecutors and personnel.

FIP was established in 1995 at the United Nations Office in Vienna. It is dedicated to coordinating the efforts of national prosecutors to strengthen cooperation in combating various types of transnational crimes, developing close cooperation among prosecutors from all over the world, and promoting the exchange of information among national prosecutors, enhancing their operational capabilities and improving their professional ethics.

Since its establishment in 1995, the influence of the International Federation of Prosecutors has grown, with its members spreading to 145 countries and regions around the world. The Federation currently has more than 172 corporate members from more than 171 countries, spanning five continents, as well as a large number of individual members. The Supreme People's Procuratorate of China is one of the founding members of FIPC and successfully hosted the Fourth Annual Conference of FIPC in Beijing in 1999.

IAP is an international community of prosecutors dedicated to setting and raising the standards of professional conduct and ethics for prosecutors around the world; promoting the rule of law, fairness, justice, respect for human rights and strengthening international cooperation to fight crime. The mission is to become the world's leading authority on prosecutors' criminal prosecution and related matters, and to become an organization with international credibility.

International Federation of Prosecutors
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