

Official website of the Dutch Royal Family

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brief introduction

Koninklijkhuis: The official website of the Dutch Royal Family introduces the royal family, the history of the royal family, the organization, the introduction of the palace, and the state visits attended by the royal family. The history of the Dutch royal family dates back to the 16th century, when it was founded by King Wilhelm I. Today, the Netherlands is a constitutional, parliamentary state.

The House of Orange-Nassau, which originally belonged to two families The Orange-Nassau family is one of two families. The Orange-Nassau family is a Dutch royal family that has been in existence since the Middle Ages. Its originator is William I, Count of Nassau, Prince of Orange (1533-1584), who is revered by the Dutch people as the "Father of the Nation". He and his descendants were the founders of the historical republic of the Netherlands and the present-day Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Official website of the Dutch Royal Family
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