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brief introduction

WorldSkills Skills) was established in 1950, its predecessor is the "International Vocational Skills Training Organization" (IVTO), initiated by Spain and Portugal, later renamed "WorldSkills Organization" (WorldSkills International).

The WorldSkills Organization is registered in the Netherlands and as of June 2014 has 72 countries. As of June 2014, there are 72 national and regional members. Its purpose is to promote the improvement of vocational skills of young people and trainers through exchanges and cooperation among members; to promote the contribution of skills to economic and social development in the world by organizing the WorldSkills Competition and to encourage young people to join the skills industry. The main activities of the organization is to convene a general assembly every year, every two years to hold a world skills competition.

The WorldSkills Organization's governing body is the General Assembly (General Assembly) and the Executive Board (Executive Board), the standing committees are the Strategy Committee (Strategy Committee) and the Technical Committee (Technical Committee). The standing committees are the Strategy Committee and the Technical Committee.) The General Assembly has the highest authority and is composed of the executive and technical representatives of the organization's members, with each member having one vote, which is cast by either of the two representatives.

The Executive Board consists of the President, Vice President, Standing Committee Vice Presidents and Treasurer. The Executive Board manages the day-to-day affairs of the organization and reports to the General Assembly. The Strategic Committee is composed of executive representatives and is headed by the Vice President for Strategic Affairs, who convenes the meetings. The Strategic Committee provides thoughts and actions on possible strategies and ways to implement the organization's goals and objectives. The Technical Committee is composed of technical representatives and is headed by the Vice President for Technical Affairs, who convenes the meetings. The Technical Committee is responsible for all technical and organizational matters related to the competition.

China officially joined the WorldSkills Organization at the 2010 WorldSkills Organization General Assembly, China's formal membership in the WorldSkills Organization can constitute an international platform for peer-to-peer technical exchanges, which is conducive to learning from the experience of countries around the world in promoting skills training and launching skills competitions, creating conditions for China's outstanding skilled personnel to embark on the international stage. It is also important to publicize the achievements of China's highly skilled personnel and human resources capacity building, expand China's influence in the field of vocational training, and cultivate a highly skilled workforce with international standards. official website
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