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Based on Android code search engine

Codota:Based on the Android code is there Israel Polytechnic University graduates produced a code case that can be found online to help developers can save developers a lot of work time, through the professional code search engine can be more convenient to look up the desired code.

On various web platforms such as GitHub and Stack Overflow, more and more code examples can be downloaded. The process for developers to access these platforms to find new APIs and new code is starting to get easier, and as the amount of code available to people on the web increases, the overall quality of that code decreases significantly. The first result of a Google search for a code may not be what you want, making it more difficult and challenging to find a good code example.

The idea for this venture came from the first-hand experience of Codota programmers who needed to find code examples. It took a long time of trial and error until we finally found the right code for the job at hand. The process only got harder. The gap between the amount of code and the knowledge that developers have is widening, and the gap between our ability to acquire such code is increasing. Finding code examples today is a bit like searching the Internet before Google came along. There's a lot of information out there, basically a huge amount, but it's hard to find the good stuff."

Codota actually uses some of the APIs of sites that store a lot of code and can read their code examples. After that, they use their own special technology developed based on semantic analysis. Codota released their Minimum Product Prototype (MVP) in September and is now gaining more and more interest from developers, with around 12,000 people active on the platform.

Codota is able to decipher the essence of the code because they find the most repeated template code in the search results, add other variables such as source code and ratings, and then push the code that is most relevant to the developer's search results. Currently the platform is only designed for Android developers to help them search for algorithms and classes, including detailed explanations and flowcharts to explain the functionality of the code and how it connects to the appropriate Android API.

Answers Search

Answers is a unique search engine in Israel. Unlike other search engines, it does not aggregate information in complex search categories, but presents the information users need directly and clearly on the page. Its unique text recognition and "one-click" technology has injected fresh energy into the search field.

Online visualization image search engine

Development to the present, in addition to keyword-based search In addition, more intelligent search is also being explored continuously. So what kind of things on the Internet can attract people's attention more easily? Perhaps the answer is not entirely clear, but from the point of view of the eye, perhaps the image is very attractive. A more daring idea is that it is possible to search through people's eyes?

SuperFish focuses on providing a visual search technology service that allows you to search in real time, using any image data, no matter what you are looking for, to provide a high quality, highly accurate search service. Simply put, you can search for another image with a similar shape through one image.

It is relatively simple to use: first create an image and use it as the subject of a search query. Through the relevant technology and search, you can search for related images, such as images with similar shapes or other features. The following two sites are built using SuperFish technology:

1, a jewelry and watch shopping site jewelryviewer, where there are a variety of jewelry, watch pictures, the user only needs to click on one of the pictures, you can display the same style of The entire selection process integrates style, color, and price, fully demonstrating SuperFish's visual search instincts, which is, after all, the essence of jewelry, which is beauty; and watches, which have evolved to Not just look at the time, but also decorative and show the identity of the ornament, and these are the first is to let the eye see, the so-called visual economy ......

2, the second is the women's shoe shopping site ShoeWindow. Also allows users to select products by color, style, and price.

From these two sites, in addition to jewelry, watches, shoes, what other visual impact dominates, accidentally let the women who love beauty on the impulse to shop? Of course there are clothes, accessories and so on.

The most effective use of SuperFish - is in e-commerce. There are several business models - 1) directly provide paid search services to help build an e-commerce platform like the two creative sites above; 2) and e-commerce sites, online stores, etc., to provide shopping guide services, as if the model of online advertising.

3, build their own intermediary-like e-commerce platform, you can do their own direct e-commerce, but also with some online stores, from the revenue share.

But SuperFish also needs to be continuously improved in technology: for example, the current search is based on the similarity analysis of the picture? Are there other paths? How can we help users find the items they like and like faster, combining appearance with substance?

It is worth mentioning that SuperFish got the attention of venture capitalists and received $5.3 million investment in January this year, with Israeli venture capital firm DFJ Tamir Fishman and American Xenia Ventures participating in the round.

Currently in the field of visual search, in addition to Superfish, Russia's Quintura and Sweden's Polar Rose are two of the major visual search technology development companies.

Free Multilingual Forum Search Engine

OmgiLi:Free Multilingual Forum is A search engine site that provides search coverage of over 100,000 forums and online discussion groups around the world, it is unique in its search for topics, titles, and responses for "online group conversations", where "groups" include forums, blogs, news discussion The "groups" include forums, blogs, news discussion groups, video sharing sites, Q&A sites, and comment sites.

The vast majority of OmgiLi's search results The vast majority of OmgiLi's search results are non-question-and-answer discussions, debates, personal experiences, and polls. As a result, O mgili has been described as "a collection of nooks and crannies.

Omgili is search engine for Forums and Boards. Find communities, message boards and discussion threads about Find communities, message boards and discussion threads about any topic.

Omgili (acronym for "Oh My God I Love It") is a vertical search engine that focuses on "any topic. on "many to many" user generated content platforms, such as, forums, discussion groups, answer boards and others.This crawler based, vertical search engine, scans millions of online discussions worldwide in over 100,000 boards and forums, This crawler based, vertical search engine, scans millions of online discussions worldwide in over 100,000 boards and forums, and is able to differentiate between discussion entities, such as, title, topic, answer and post date.Users can use Omgili to find consumer opinions, Users can use Omgili to find consumer opinions, debates, discussions, personal experiences, answers and solutions.

Google Israel
Search the world's information, including web pages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features that can help you find exactly what you are looking for.
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