

Based on Android code search engine

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brief introduction

Codota:Based on the Android code is there Israel Polytechnic University graduates produced a code case that can be found online to help developers can save developers a lot of work time, through the professional code search engine can be more convenient to look up the desired code.

On various web platforms such as GitHub and Stack Overflow, more and more code examples can be downloaded. The process for developers to access these platforms to find new APIs and new code is starting to get easier, and as the amount of code available to people on the web increases, the overall quality of that code decreases significantly. The first result of a Google search for a code may not be what you want, making it more difficult and challenging to find a good code example.

The idea for this venture came from the first-hand experience of Codota programmers who needed to find code examples. It took a long time of trial and error until we finally found the right code for the job at hand. The process only got harder. The gap between the amount of code and the knowledge that developers have is widening, and the gap between our ability to acquire such code is increasing. Finding code examples today is a bit like searching the Internet before Google came along. There's a lot of information out there, basically a huge amount, but it's hard to find the good stuff."

Codota actually uses some of the APIs of sites that store a lot of code and can read their code examples. After that, they use their own special technology developed based on semantic analysis. Codota released their Minimum Product Prototype (MVP) in September and is now gaining more and more interest from developers, with around 12,000 people active on the platform.

Codota is able to decipher the essence of the code because they find the most repeated template code in the search results, add other variables such as source code and ratings, and then push the code that is most relevant to the developer's search results. Currently the platform is only designed for Android developers to help them search for algorithms and classes, including detailed explanations and flowcharts to explain the functionality of the code and how it connects to the appropriate Android API.

Based on Android code search engine
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