

Online visualization image search engine

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brief introduction

Development to the present, in addition to keyword-based search In addition, more intelligent search is also being explored continuously. So what kind of things on the Internet can attract people's attention more easily? Perhaps the answer is not entirely clear, but from the point of view of the eye, perhaps the image is very attractive. A more daring idea is that it is possible to search through people's eyes?

SuperFish focuses on providing a visual search technology service that allows you to search in real time, using any image data, no matter what you are looking for, to provide a high quality, highly accurate search service. Simply put, you can search for another image with a similar shape through one image.

It is relatively simple to use: first create an image and use it as the subject of a search query. Through the relevant technology and search, you can search for related images, such as images with similar shapes or other features. The following two sites are built using SuperFish technology:

1, a jewelry and watch shopping site jewelryviewer, where there are a variety of jewelry, watch pictures, the user only needs to click on one of the pictures, you can display the same style of The entire selection process integrates style, color, and price, fully demonstrating SuperFish's visual search instincts, which is, after all, the essence of jewelry, which is beauty; and watches, which have evolved to Not just look at the time, but also decorative and show the identity of the ornament, and these are the first is to let the eye see, the so-called visual economy ......

2, the second is the women's shoe shopping site ShoeWindow. Also allows users to select products by color, style, and price.

From these two sites, in addition to jewelry, watches, shoes, what other visual impact dominates, accidentally let the women who love beauty on the impulse to shop? Of course there are clothes, accessories and so on.

The most effective use of SuperFish - is in e-commerce. There are several business models - 1) directly provide paid search services to help build an e-commerce platform like the two creative sites above; 2) and e-commerce sites, online stores, etc., to provide shopping guide services, as if the model of online advertising.

3, build their own intermediary-like e-commerce platform, you can do their own direct e-commerce, but also with some online stores, from the revenue share.

But SuperFish also needs to be continuously improved in technology: for example, the current search is based on the similarity analysis of the picture? Are there other paths? How can we help users find the items they like and like faster, combining appearance with substance?

It is worth mentioning that SuperFish got the attention of venture capitalists and received $5.3 million investment in January this year, with Israeli venture capital firm DFJ Tamir Fishman and American Xenia Ventures participating in the round.

Currently in the field of visual search, in addition to Superfish, Russia's Quintura and Sweden's Polar Rose are two of the major visual search technology development companies.

Online visualization image search engine
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