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London Gazette

The London Gazette is one of the main official media of the British government and the United Kingdom, and general decree notices are required to be gazetted in the London Gazette, and is the oldest newspaper in England and the longest continuously published newspaper in the United Kingdom. November 7, 1665.


CNBC is a cable news station headquartered in the United States, which started broadcasting in 1989 and is affiliated with, and has channels such as, CNBC World Radio, which mainly broadcasts financial news and real-time financial market dynamics.

British detective magazine

The British "Detective" (Private Eye) is a magazine dedicated to the satirical uncovering of various scandals. The magazine has a strong sense of satire, and has a great impact on many crowned politicians, corporations, etc., but many people feel that it is the embodiment of justice, allowing people to see society clearly and keep their heads clear. It still maintains a distinctive style today, with a bright style, a disorganized-looking layout, and the use of its own specific words in the magazine.

The British Economist Magazine

The Economist was founded in London in 1843 and is known for its independent and global perspective. It is called a magazine, but in fact it is registered as a newspaper. The Economist is printed every Thursday evening in six locations around the world and published globally every Saturday, 4-5 issues/month, with the latest issue updated online later in the day. The Economist is a fully international journal, with 80% of its circulation coming from outside the UK.

The Scottish Herald

The Herald Scotland, founded in 1783, is a national authority in the UK and one of the world's oldest continuing English-language newspapers. The content covers news, city, finance, literature and sports, international and domestic, focus and information special edition of the group structure, so that readers can read more convenient.

Online Photography Magazine

The UK's premier online photography magazine presents a wonderful book that will amaze and amaze the photographic community! In this book, you will find many like-minded photographers who are on their way to become masters of photography, and they will share with you their best work, their best shooting skills and their most sincere photography insights.

Ephotozine website is also a photography equipment review website, the website introduces excellent photography cameras and other equipment, and different test reviews, so that photographers through a variety of ways to choose the right camera for themselves.

CoinDesk:News Resource Network is A news and data analysis that provides trends and changes in the world of Bitcoin and digital currency, for technology, businesses and people. From explaining the very basics of what Bitcoin is, to showing users how they can buy Bitcoin and the latest news.

CoinDesk is owned by investors in streaming music Khan believes that the existing marketplace of resources, like Bitcoin Magazine and other sites, is too technical for most people, and in the last few weeks he has built a team of technical engineers and writers to build a site in the Bitcoin news space. He believes that building a news site is not just a project in his hands, but for him, Coindesk, Bitcoin and also digital currency, is an area of great interest to him, and this means more of a hobby.

CoinDesk, the global news resource on Bitcoin and digital currencies. it provides news and analysis on the trends It provides news and analysis on the trends, changes, technologies, companies and people in the Bitcoin and digital currency world. From explaining the very basics of what Bitcoin is, to showing you how you can buy bitcoins, to all the latest news in the digital currency world.

Journal of Natural Sciences

Nature:The Journal of Natural Sciences Nature is one of the world's first scientific journals and the most authoritative and prestigious academic journal in the world. It is also the world's first international scientific journal, reporting and commenting on the most important breakthroughs in the field of science and technology worldwide.

Nature is one of the few journals (other similar journals Nature is one of the few journals (other similar journals include Science and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) that still publishes primary research papers from many scientific fields. In many areas of scientific research, the most important and cutting-edge findings are published annually in Nature in the form of short articles.

Nature's primary audience is scientists engaged in research, but the overview of articles in the front of the journal makes the most important articles in the journal accessible to the general public. The editorial, news, and feature articles at the beginning of the journal cover matters of general interest to scientists, including the latest news, research funding, business conditions, scientific ethics, and research breakthroughs. The journal also features books and art related to scientific research. The remainder of the journal is dominated by research papers, which tend to be very tight and very technical.

Nature's Web site features a free natural science library and personal learning tools, currently focusing on the fields of genetics, evolution, variation, and biological complexity. The site also looks to expand its content to other areas of learning and education.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. NPG publishes journals, online databases, and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. lt;/p>

New Scientist Technology Magazine

NewScientist:New Scientist is a free international scientific magazine about recent technological developments, founded in 1956; The news of the scientific and technological circles also introduces many high-end scientific projects, and the book also promotes many scientific and technological activities, such as public lectures by experts.

New Scientist is a British weekly magazine, which is not a A peer-reviewed scientific journal, but widely read by scientists and non-scientists alike, the journal also often publishes reviews on environmental issues such as climate change. It is said that the reading of the IELTS test has the above materials. After all, it is a British magazine. It may be helpful for those who need to learn IELTS.

In the UK, the Science Department of every school must have journals, such as the ion accelerator of BioPhysics and the genetic engineering of BioChemistry. The book also promotes many scientific and technological activities, and the main readers are students and tutors who are studying A level-science courses and university Science in the UK.

NME Magazine

The New Musical Express New Musical Express magazine (NME), New Musical Express magazine and Rolling Stone magazine, operating magazines, online, music news, and set up the NME Music Awards, the awards based on the recommendation of non-mainstream music, known as the alternative version of the National Music Awards.

The Daily Record

The Daily Record) Scottish small daily newspaper, founded in 1895, mainly provides Scotland, the British region and international breaking news, politics, entertainment, soccer, health, curiosities, etc. Its sister newspaper is the Sunday Post. Its sister newspaper for the "Sunday Mail" (Sunday Mail).

Digital Spy_Digital Spy

Digital Spy is a British entertainment and news website created in 1999 and acquired by Hearst International Group in 2011.

UK Wallpaper Magazine

Wallpaper (UK) is a design and fashion magazine with global influence, founded in 1996, introducing global design culture and lifestyle trends, focusing on topics such as architecture, modern design, fashion, travel, and food.

Nature Reviews: Genetics

Nature Reviews: Genetics ( Nature Reviews Genetics , Nat Rev Genet) is a leading academic journal published by Nature Publishing Group dealing primarily with genetics research. It is the third highest impact factor ranking of SCI medical journals published in 2013.

The Economist

The Economist, a magazine published by the London Economist Newspaper Limited, was founded by James Wilson in September 1843, and its main content consisted of news on politics and business, but also involved a small amount of reporting on technology and the arts. The magazine focuses on the smallest space to tell the reader the most information, its articles are mostly witty, humorous, strong, serious and humorous, and has a clear position and always speaks with facts.

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