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BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), the largest public media in the United Kingdom, was founded on January 1, 1927, and includes book and newspaper publishing, English language teaching, Internet news The BBC is the largest public media in the United Kingdom. It is funded by the government but operates independently. For a considerable period of its history, the BBC has monopolized television and radio in the United Kingdom and is recognized as one of the most respected media outlets in the world.

The Spectator

The Spectator is a British weekly magazine that began publication in 1828 and is now owned by the Barclay Brothers. The Spectator magazine is mainly devoted to political issues, with a conservative stance, but also includes music, movies, books, and other content.

TimeOut Magazine

The TimeOut magazine series was founded in London in 1968 by Tony Elliot, and has a 43-year history as the world's top magazine brand. As the world's top city life magazine, TimeOut is available in Beijing, Shanghai, London, New York, Moscow, Barcelona, Dubai, Singapore and other important cities. TimeOut has been published in more than 10 languages in 37 cities in 24 countries worldwide, with nearly 10 million people relying on TimeOut to find out what's hot in town and where to live, as well as over 100 TimeOut City Guides.

I-D Online Magazine

I-Donline:I-D online The capital letter D in the magazine emphasizes the magazine's focus on design, while the lowercase letter i implies the magazine's "I-Donline" style. With solid fashion photography reporting skills and a keen sense of youth culture, the magazine occupies a position to highlight individuality, alternative but not detached from reality.

Terry Jones, founder of I-D Magazine, hopes It's not just about clothes, it's about the culture around us, the music, the movies, the literature, the art, the food, the things that influence our daily decisions.

"Inspiration from life, a keen eye for reality, innovative ideas, a more traditional approach to expression, excellent photography and a personalized layout are all factors in i-D's success.

New Scientist Magazine_New Scientist

New Scientist (New Scientist) is an international scientific journal, founded in 1956, published weekly, with an online version established in 1996.

The New National Newspaper

NEW NATION, the UK's largest black community newspaper, was launched in 1996 and is published weekly, focusing on sports, social and political issues. The site is its official website, in addition to providing key news coverage, but also provides information on entertainment, life, sports, job hunting and more.

CNBC Europe

CNBC Europe is a European financial news station that started broadcasting in 1996 and is headquartered in London, England, mainly broadcasting financial programs such as trading conditions of major European stock markets.

Financial City Morning Post

The City A.M., London's free business morning newspaper, was launched in 2005. The website is its official website, mainly provides the highlights of the paper version, including business, finance, economy, politics, life, sports and other news information.

Gardening World UK

This website is the official website of Gardeners' World Magazine, which provides in-depth articles, forums, reviews and great photos about gardening in the UK. In addition, the site also features magazine content, sponsor information, subscription discounts and more.

The Sun

The Sun is a small open-air daily newspaper in the UK, and the highest-selling and best-known newspaper in the UK, owned by the News Corporation, which is owned by wealthy businessman Keith Rupert Murdoch. News Corporation, owned by Keith Rupert Murdoch. Its main readership is the lower and middle classes, so there are many people in the intellectual world who are critical of The Sun, mainly criticizing the newspaper for its crude, unprofessional and unneutral approach to news reporting, often with a clamoring approach to stimulate sales.

The Lancet

The Lancet, one of the world's oldest medical journals, was founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley and is now mainly published by the Elsevier Group (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). It is now mainly published by the Elsevier Group (Amsterdam, Netherlands). On October 12, 2013, it published an article claiming that Arafat died of poisoning, which caused a global sensation.

Jane's Defence Weekly, UK

Janes:Jane's Defence Weekly ( Jane's Defence Weekly is an internationally renowned international military weekly magazine, one of the world's most authoritative publications, published by the Jane's Information Group, which was founded in 1984 to report on military and security matters.

Jane's Defense Weekly publishes the latest military information from around the world on a weekly basis. Jane's Defense Weekly publishes the latest military information from around the world every week, and its readers are mainly government, military and business decision makers responsible for defense. The military information provided comes from publicly available information from governments and the media. In addition to Jane's Defense Weekly, Jane's Warships and Jane's Global Air Vehicles are also professional and authoritative references.

The secret of Jane's Defense Weekly magazine's success is twofold: one is to establish an objective and unbiased image. Whether it is to Western countries or other countries, we strive to be unbiased, or at least free of obvious bias. The other is to establish reliable official information channels.;/p>

The British Economist Newsweekly Magazine

Economist:The British Economy The Weekly Journal of Scholarly News is a venerable weekly magazine founded in 1843, a weekly magazine containing news, political and economic views and in-depth analysis. All of the magazine's articles are unattributed and are written collectively.

The Economist magazine font The Economist magazine's font and bright red background are in keeping with the simple, unpretentious style advocated by the publication's founder, James Wilson. For more than a century, The Economist has adhered to founder James Wilson's philosophy: "Any argument or claim made in an article must stand up to the test of fact. The Economist's readership is positioned as a high-income, independently insightful and critical social elite, and in keeping with this, the articles have always maintained a distinctive tone: unconventional, unpretentious, accurate and faithful to the facts.

This is an international magazine, read by many heavyweights. It's also an interesting magazine. Many people will shy away when they hear the word economics. In fact, in addition to some unfamiliar topics, most of the articles are written with wit, humor, and intensity.

Objectivity and impartiality are the life of the Economist magazine. The composition of the company prohibits any organization or individual from acquiring more than half of the shares of the magazine. The Economist's articles are written anonymously, as its editors-in-chief believe: what is written is more important than who writes it.

The Economist is divided into sections on various continents with a focus on politics, military, economics, and business education. Basic vocabulary amount 4000-6000, more than 5000 basic can read smoothly. In fact, The Economist is not as obscure as imagined, the amount of vocabulary of the university basically can read. It is not a purely professional collection of economics, but a wonderful magazine with a unique perspective, a sense of humor, comprehensive information, and professional arguments. Perfect for expanding your knowledge and improving your English.

Men's Wear

For Him Magazine (FHM; abbreviated: FHM; Hong Kong and Taiwan translation: "Men's Gang") is the leading brand of British men's magazines, but also one of the most popular men's magazines in the United Kingdom, founded in 1985, known for its sexy covers and humorous editorial.

The Scottish Sun

"The Scottish Sun" (The Scottish Sun) the world's largest media empire's "The Sun" of the Scottish version, mainly provides Scotland, the United Kingdom region and international political, current affairs, economic, business, sports, social and other aspects of the news.

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