

Jane's Defence Weekly, UK

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brief introduction

Janes:Jane's Defence Weekly ( Jane's Defence Weekly is an internationally renowned international military weekly magazine, one of the world's most authoritative publications, published by the Jane's Information Group, which was founded in 1984 to report on military and security matters.

Jane's Defense Weekly publishes the latest military information from around the world on a weekly basis. Jane's Defense Weekly publishes the latest military information from around the world every week, and its readers are mainly government, military and business decision makers responsible for defense. The military information provided comes from publicly available information from governments and the media. In addition to Jane's Defense Weekly, Jane's Warships and Jane's Global Air Vehicles are also professional and authoritative references.

The secret of Jane's Defense Weekly magazine's success is twofold: one is to establish an objective and unbiased image. Whether it is to Western countries or other countries, we strive to be unbiased, or at least free of obvious bias. The other is to establish reliable official information channels.;/p>

Jane's Defence Weekly, UK
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