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British modern architecture photography collection

JamesSilverman:British Modern Architectural Photography Portfolio website is a website based on the appreciation of architectural photography founded by a British designer, based in Sweden, the website The website shows a lot of European style interior photography, villa photography, interior homes, kitchens, bedrooms, etc. The rich photography works are definitely worthy of your appreciation.

David Hall Photography

David Hall Photography is the personal photography website of the famous British freelance photographer David Hall, mainly exhibiting his personal works. The theme of his work is mainly nature and landscape photography and commercial photography.

Amanita Photo Library

Amanita Photo Library is a site in the United Kingdom with a large collection of excellent photography, mainly dedicated to the display of natural landscapes and historical and humanistic photography from around the world. Its main photographer is an ecologist with over 25 years of experience in nature photography.

Photo Art

PhotoartUK is a virtual gallery focused on promoting the work of UK-based photographers. In addition to exhibiting the work of all UK photographers, the site is also dedicated to providing advice and assistance to individuals and companies about the photography market.


Picturdraw is a British painting and photography works exchange and teaching website, mainly exhibiting some excellent artworks and photography works, and also providing painting and photography teaching information. In addition, users can also participate in painting and photography related competitions through this website.

Pam Farmer

The website is the personal photography website of the famous British countryside photographer Pam Farmer, mainly showing his photography works, whose themes include the beauty of the countryside and the human life of the local landscape.

British Wedding Photographers Association Organization

TheMPA:UK Wedding Photographers The MPA is a professional wedding photography organization founded in 1952; it is the only professional photographer team organization in the UK that provides photography education, qualification approval, seminars, business promotion and marketing support.

A good wedding photographer will plan for you Perfect photography work, good professionalism is the standard of conduct of photographers, the platform in addition to photography technology to give support, but also developed a strict membership rules, requiring photographers who join the organization to strictly comply. With good industry rules, there can be good service quality.

UK TimFlach photographer work network

Works of TimFlach Photographer in UK The web is a British award-winning famous photographer Tim FLach personal website, the photographer to animal portraits as the theme, with rich lighting effects and unique shooting perspective for us to show the more emotional side of these animals.

Tim FLach's photography works are either Tim FLach's photographs are either deep, humorous, or elegant expressions and gestures make them have the same emotions as human beings, which are eye-opening. He has always paid attention to the details of the performance of each photo looks intriguing and very interesting. His works include: More Than Human, DOGS GODS, EQUUS.

Polaroid photography photo sharing community

Blipfoto:Polaroid photography Photo sharing community is a traditional camera manufacturers Polaroid jointly published photography photo sharing website, referred to as "a picture a day " personal online photo diary service, providing free Android and iOS clients, can be accessed through the web.

Polaroid Blipfoto The service covers 170 countries, with more than 1.8 million images uploaded by users each day. The service limits users to one image per day and is intended to encourage users to carefully select what they want to remember before uploading the image.

For the founder of Blipfoto, a very random idea has influenced many people, Joe Tree spent a few hours in 2004 to write a simple website and set two simple rules, take a picture every day and upload it to the website to display. In 2006, he launched a new website with membership functions and invited some people to join, allowing them to post diaries and upload pictures every day; in 2009, he won the Scottish Best Website Award and in 2010, he received venture capital funding and set up a company.

Philip Blum Photography

Philip Bloom -Philip Bloom (Philip Bloom) famous British photographer, by traveling around the world to shoot a lot of excellent works. The website for his personal website, mainly exhibits Philip Bloom's classic photography works.

UK Art Photography Website

Fine Art Photography is a site in the UK dedicated to the display of fine art photography and the exploration of topics related to fine art photography. In addition, the site is also involved in the exploration and exchange of photographic techniques and photographic equipment issues.

Neil Cooper

Neil Cooper Photography (Neil Cooper Photography) is a personal photography website of the famous photographer Neil Cooper, mainly collecting his experiences recorded along the way while traveling around the world.

UK Tim walker personal photography website

, British photographer, born in 1970 He shot his first photos for VOGUE when he was 25 years old.

Tim walker personal photography network of the United Kingdom The style is dreamy and romantic, and the works often have complex set design like a stage.

International Street Photography Website

IN-Public:International Street IN-Public:International Street Photography is a non-profit photography platform, which aims to collect outstanding photography works from street photographers all over the world, show the charm of street photography, truly reflect the current situation of life around the world, capture the wonderful moments in daily life, and let people feel the real life around the world.

Photographers are actually real-life movers and shakers. The most wonderful thing about street photography is that you can capture the real life moments and freeze them forever. Not only that, but street photography is open to everyone. You don't need a high-end camera and expensive lens to capture "decisive moments". All you need is passion and curiosity about everyday life.

Many famous masters in the history of photography, such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, the father of documentary photography who created the theory of "decisive moment", Mark Loeb who shot China numerous times, the famous Japanese freelance photographer The famous Japanese freelance photographer Moriyama Avenue, etc., all put a lot of time on street photography, capturing the daily moments of ordinary people and retaining one classic moment after another, and their works have touched countless people. It can even be said that the photography works that usually help people remember those history and times are often not the big events that are amazing, but the street photography works that record the details of ordinary people's lives and the characteristics of the times.

In-Public was set up in 2000 to provide a home for Street Photographers, Our aim is to promote Street Photography and to continue to explore its possibilities. All the photographers featured here have been invited to show their work because they have the ability to see The pictures remind us that, if we let it, over-familiarity can make us blind to what's The pictures remind us that, if we let it, over-familiarity can make us blind to what's really going on in the world around us.

Daniel Bridger

Photography Tuition with Danie focuses on Daniel Bridge's personal photography He also shares his experience of photography skills and his grasp of life details and nature to others.

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