

International Street Photography Website

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brief introduction

IN-Public:International Street IN-Public:International Street Photography is a non-profit photography platform, which aims to collect outstanding photography works from street photographers all over the world, show the charm of street photography, truly reflect the current situation of life around the world, capture the wonderful moments in daily life, and let people feel the real life around the world.

Photographers are actually real-life movers and shakers. The most wonderful thing about street photography is that you can capture the real life moments and freeze them forever. Not only that, but street photography is open to everyone. You don't need a high-end camera and expensive lens to capture "decisive moments". All you need is passion and curiosity about everyday life.

Many famous masters in the history of photography, such as Henri Cartier-Bresson, the father of documentary photography who created the theory of "decisive moment", Mark Loeb who shot China numerous times, the famous Japanese freelance photographer The famous Japanese freelance photographer Moriyama Avenue, etc., all put a lot of time on street photography, capturing the daily moments of ordinary people and retaining one classic moment after another, and their works have touched countless people. It can even be said that the photography works that usually help people remember those history and times are often not the big events that are amazing, but the street photography works that record the details of ordinary people's lives and the characteristics of the times.

In-Public was set up in 2000 to provide a home for Street Photographers, Our aim is to promote Street Photography and to continue to explore its possibilities. All the photographers featured here have been invited to show their work because they have the ability to see The pictures remind us that, if we let it, over-familiarity can make us blind to what's The pictures remind us that, if we let it, over-familiarity can make us blind to what's really going on in the world around us.

International Street Photography Website
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