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India Travel Search Engine

IxigGo:India Travel is India The leading travel search engine site, iXiGO is like a "travel information broker", providing visitors with independent information on travel and accommodation according to their needs.

Users simply enter their travel destination and their requirements for iXiGO's proprietary search engine searches, compares and filters travel packages from over 100 travel sites to ensure that users get the best package. iXiGO's website also provides real-time flight information and fares worldwide, as well as bus and train information and fare searches within India. The site hosts over 40 airlines, 30 hotel portals, 4 bus portals, as well as information on Indian Railways catering and travel companies.

iXiGO targets consumers who have the money and are willing to spend it on travel, and who are not interested in the passing spectator, so the company's word-of-mouth marketing is working.

One of iXiGO's clients, Delta Air Lines, is an example of a company that seeks to create a branding effect through social media. At Delta's headquarters in Atlanta, there is a social media command center that monitors 24 hours a day what people are saying about the company on Twitter, Facebook or other social media sites. They receive information from these sites and then call customers at the airport to help resolve any flight issues. Through social media, we are able to communicate with our customers in real time, create a good reputation and generate more value

India travel point of view recommendation service platform

NivaLink:India Travel Pointers The referral service platform is a travel pointers and referral service company in India, dedicated to ensuring that customers travel with peace of mind and comfort; integrating services such as tourist attractions, transportation and accommodation to provide users with a full range of hassle-free travel services.

Many users with little vacation time know that travel For this reason, NivaLink helps users choose the right travel plan by recommending reasonably priced travel packages and by conducting on-site visits to local tourist attractions and hotels, and by conducting a categorized and fair public evaluation.

Since the year 2000, we've been on more than 200 trips across India and abroad, covering over 200,000 kms on road We select and recommend based on a system evolved over 10 years. All hotels and service providers are reviewed first and then physically verified. All hotels and service providers are reviewed first and then physically verified.

200,000+ customers have booked with us since 2000 from 80+ cities in India and 50+ countries. We help you plan your trip, make your reservations and are with you on your trip. We help you plan your trip, make your reservations and are with you on your trip. You can avail 24X7 on-travel assistance just a phone call away.

Semantic Travel Planning Search Engine

FindMyCarrots:Base Based on semantic travel planning is a search engine website developed by an Indian company that uses semantic search and big data to simplify travel planning, allowing users to freely enter text content to search for travel destinations.

When people are ready to do travel planning, choosing Findmycarrots uses semantic search to process search queries and display matching destinations on a map. Clicking on a destination provides a variety of details such as weather, photos, and hotels in the destination. Users can also search by type of destination, such as mountains, beaches, temples, dams, parks, lakes, museums, forts, waterfalls, etc.

Private Tour Itinerary Sharing Community

The Tripoto website is a community of travelers from It is also known as a community for travelers from all over the world to share their travel experiences, and is famous for users sharing their travel stories. The site was founded in 2013 by founders Anirudh Gupta and Michael Pargal Lyngdoh.

In the Tripoto community users are allowed to Tripoto is an Indian travel community startup team that currently has an Android and iOS app online, and the funded team will use the funds to build a high quality content team as well as technology enhancements to provide users with a better experience. The team will use the funding to build a high quality content team and technology enhancements to provide a better and seamless experience for users.

India Travel PACTL

MakeMyTrip:India Travel MakeMyTrip is one of the largest online travel agencies in India, initially established with two travel websites for the Indian market and one for the US market, and is the leader in the Indian online travel market.

MakeMyTrip offers online travel services, including domestic and international airline tickets, hotel reservations, domestic and outbound vacation packages, train tickets, bus tickets and car rental services. MakeMyTrip is listed on the Nasdaq.

RoutePlanner is a new product from MakeMyTrip, which provides travel planning services to 850 million active mobile users in India. Users can access the service via SMS, regular mobile and smartphone apps and the web. It currently supports a portfolio of more than 1 billion travel routes, covering 2,300 airlines, 65,000 bus routes and 970,000 train routes in 4,300 cities in India.

RoutePlanner provides a truly easy and convenient way to plan a trip by simply typing in the origin and destination and viewing the most convenient route in the returned results. The system ranks travel plans by feasibility, convenience and affordability.

MakeMyTrip has created a B2B platform through which traditional travel agents can purchase MakeMyTrip travel products and sell them to consumers on a labeled basis. Another option was to open a travel product retail center, although this decision was questioned by the board members. The company has now set up 20 such retail centers in 20 major cities in India, with the aim of selling vacation products to consumers who prefer face-to-face interaction or who don't know how to book online.

Travel itinerary planning recommendation platform

MyGola:Travel itinerary planning recommendation The platform is a site that allows you to plan a fantastic trip in just 15 minutes, and you can pick routes from the world's largest library of hand-selected itineraries. You can customize your trip - add hotels, change dates and take suggestions from friends - and receive recommendations at any time during your trip.

Every year we look forward to vacation, flying in a plane We all look forward to a vacation, flying to an unfamiliar place, giving our bodies and minds a vacation and embarking on an adventure. However, preparing for a trip can be a painful process. Currently Mygola has over 2 million users on its platform, and Mygola now has detailed information on 20,000 travel destinations.

Mygola is one of the best tools for travel preparation, as the preparation phase of a trip is a lengthy process that lowers expectations and takes the fun out of travel when we are away. Mygola has created the world's largest database of travel itineraries. They can help users plan their trips, gather information, check reviews and more.

However, there are always unexpected events on the road, such as a car breaking down in the middle of the road, or drinking too much the first night and missing the planned time. Mygola not only tells users the must-see attractions in a city, but also provides detailed information about the attractions and a large number of pictures of them. Users can check the opening hours of the attractions, so that when the formation is delayed, users can always make adjustments to their plans. is India's leading online travel website, we offer domestic and international air travel, rail bookings, hotel reservations, vacation products, bus and car rental services.
India's largest travel website for booking airline tickets, hotels, buses, trains, travel and vacation products, etc.
India Tourism Board
Official website of the Tourism Authority of India.
Expedia India
Your one-stop online travel site for cheap flights, hotels, vacations and car rentals to accompany you on your perfect vacation.
TripAdvisor India
TripAdvisor is the world's leading travel website, providing reviews and recommendations from travelers around the world, comprehensive coverage of hotels, attractions, restaurants, airlines, as well as travel planning and hotel, attraction and restaurant booking features.TripAdvisor and its websites have subsites in 49 markets worldwide, with an average of 415 million unique visits per month.
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