

India Travel PACTL

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brief introduction

MakeMyTrip:India Travel MakeMyTrip is one of the largest online travel agencies in India, initially established with two travel websites for the Indian market and one for the US market, and is the leader in the Indian online travel market.

MakeMyTrip offers online travel services, including domestic and international airline tickets, hotel reservations, domestic and outbound vacation packages, train tickets, bus tickets and car rental services. MakeMyTrip is listed on the Nasdaq.

RoutePlanner is a new product from MakeMyTrip, which provides travel planning services to 850 million active mobile users in India. Users can access the service via SMS, regular mobile and smartphone apps and the web. It currently supports a portfolio of more than 1 billion travel routes, covering 2,300 airlines, 65,000 bus routes and 970,000 train routes in 4,300 cities in India.

RoutePlanner provides a truly easy and convenient way to plan a trip by simply typing in the origin and destination and viewing the most convenient route in the returned results. The system ranks travel plans by feasibility, convenience and affordability.

MakeMyTrip has created a B2B platform through which traditional travel agents can purchase MakeMyTrip travel products and sell them to consumers on a labeled basis. Another option was to open a travel product retail center, although this decision was questioned by the board members. The company has now set up 20 such retail centers in 20 major cities in India, with the aim of selling vacation products to consumers who prefer face-to-face interaction or who don't know how to book online.

India Travel PACTL
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