

India Travel Search Engine

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brief introduction

IxigGo:India Travel is India The leading travel search engine site, iXiGO is like a "travel information broker", providing visitors with independent information on travel and accommodation according to their needs.

Users simply enter their travel destination and their requirements for iXiGO's proprietary search engine searches, compares and filters travel packages from over 100 travel sites to ensure that users get the best package. iXiGO's website also provides real-time flight information and fares worldwide, as well as bus and train information and fare searches within India. The site hosts over 40 airlines, 30 hotel portals, 4 bus portals, as well as information on Indian Railways catering and travel companies.

iXiGO targets consumers who have the money and are willing to spend it on travel, and who are not interested in the passing spectator, so the company's word-of-mouth marketing is working.

One of iXiGO's clients, Delta Air Lines, is an example of a company that seeks to create a branding effect through social media. At Delta's headquarters in Atlanta, there is a social media command center that monitors 24 hours a day what people are saying about the company on Twitter, Facebook or other social media sites. They receive information from these sites and then call customers at the airport to help resolve any flight issues. Through social media, we are able to communicate with our customers in real time, create a good reputation and generate more value

India Travel Search Engine
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