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Cross-platform application development platform

AppsBuilder:Cross-Platform AppsBuilder is an excellent online development tool that provides users with easy and fast acoustic application solutions; across all platforms, including iPhone, iPad, WindowsPhone, Android, Chrome, and even HTML5.

AppsBuilder takes just 10 minutes to make apps cross-platform, and with a fully customizable visual design and the ability to implement applications across With a fully customizable visual design and the ability to implement applications across platforms, users simply do not need professional development knowledge and only need to operate according to the instructions provided by AppsBuilder. And AppsBuilder has built-in plug-ins to convert blog sites directly into native mobile apps.

The biggest difference between AppsBuilder and other cross-platform services lies in the user group, because it is easy to operate, AppsBuilder is loved by non-professionals; on the other hand, some people may not be satisfied with the customization and control of the application, and this time AppsBuilder comes in handy again, it can redefine the interface and redistribute functions, saving the cost of a redevelopment adjustment.

The flagship version of AppsBuilder can be offered as a proxy or customized with completely blank tabs for €169 per month; the regular version is much cheaper, offering only general purpose and DIY tools for €19-49 per month.

Online free unlimited internet storage platform

Ge.TT:Online Free Unlimited Network Storage TT: Online free unlimited disk storage is a foreign disk sharing service provider, the biggest feature is that there is no limit to the number of users uploading, and all files are not limited in size, and will also give a link to share, no registration is required to use.

When it comes to the Internet, domestic users probably feel that nowadays There are a lot of free websites in China, such as,,, etc. The purpose of the foreign websites we introduce here is to share files between those domestic and foreign users, and after the domestic user uploads the file, the link address can be told to the foreign user.

Usage: Open the website, select "select files" to start uploading, a link to share will be displayed after completion. This file can be saved for 30 days.

Real-time team collaboration chat platform Real-Time Team Collaboration is a real-time chat tool that brings together the gaps between email and various instant messaging/messaging services, and can be described as a hybrid of Skype, WhatsApp, HipChat and email. There is a web version and a mobile version.

Unlike normal chat tools, it is asynchronous, and it is not critical that members are online. Fleep messages are also longer than regular SMS messages and are more like emails. What's more, other people don't need to be Fleep users to join the conversation via email - for non-Fleep users, the chat appears as an email thread, and for Fleep users, the content of the email appears in a dedicated chat board. This flexible format is ideal for communication and collaboration between teams on projects.

Fleep has three main features, Chat, Pinboard, and Folders. Pinboard is one of the more unique features. A lot of important information is often buried in the sea of chat areas, making it very difficult to find. Pinboard allows users to drag and drop information from anyone in the conversation onto the board, and anyone can edit it. Fleep uses standard SSL technology to encrypt conversations, and what is stored on the server side is also encrypted.

Fleep CEO Henn Ruukel is the former web director of Skype. Fleep summarizes Skype's shortcomings as follows: no offline messaging; you have to be a user of the tool to have a conversation; mobile apps are power hungry; messages can't be synced across devices; lack of proper file sharing tools; and no cross-conference search. The app is not searchable across sessions.

Founded by ex-Skypers, Fleep is a messaging service that fills the gap between email and various IM/texting services. We take email's ability to contact anyone and marry it with real-time messaging.

Fleep - is a cross-platform messaging service that fills the gap between email and various IM / texting services. Features include real-time messaging with your team, a pinboard for important messages , sharing of files and photos, and notifications when someone writes to you

Online AppleWatch watch style with the network

Online AppleWatch Watches The Verge website is a special online Apple Watch device simulation site [Mix Your Watch], allowing users to listen to their inner voice and intuitive preferences, mirroring the DIY Apple Watch on the screen, users who have not bought the product may wish to play with it here.

In 2015 Apple Inc. The Apple Watch is available in two sizes, six types of cases, and three types of materials with a variety of colors and styles in a total of 16 straps, a variety of colors and styles, if you are confused about how to match the product is truly their own, then you may want to try to see the [Mix Your Watch] website.

The "mix your watch" website is built by Pipes with the "Pipes' Apple Watch Demo", which allows users to play with the Apple Watch watch face interface, which is very interesting. If you're interested, you can check it out.

Online Audio Recording and Sharing Network

Clyp:Online Audio Recording and Sharing Network is You just need a microphone to record what you want to say, finish it and generate a short link to share it directly to your friends.

Sometimes we can't talk to each other in person because of distance or various reasons You can use this online recording method to record what you want to say and then send it to the other party through the mailbox, so you can listen to the foreigner's recorded audio online to practice your spoken language, or send the words you want to confess to the person you like through it.

NodeQuery|Free Server Online Monitoring Service

Node Query is a lightweight The platform is not a big and comprehensive product for server health service, but a very small and small public product, currently the free account can provide 10 machines monitoring.

Usage: Create a new Server. Then you will be given a one-click script to install on your own VPS with one click, the script is also open source hosted on GitHub and can be reviewed by everyone. The site can also provide API support and email notification alerts, the ability to read the status of the Server under historical circumstances, the current write function is not yet available.

Social e-book reading platform Social eBook reading platform is a platform that can read eBooks and web text online, supporting multi-format text, helping users to strip ads from web pages, unique reading experience, and providing readers with a reading effect.

DotDotDot can also be described as a Independent book management platform, you get a variety of formats to save books, you can save the reading tags, add reading experience, share to more users, but also multiple people can interact and collaborate, through reading to make more friends; save all the reading records, summarize the reading knowledge and experience archives.

Read and manage your eBooks independently from any bookstore (supports DRM free ePub format).

- Read texts from webpages, like blog posts or articles, in a distraction-free format on your iPad. dotdotdot clears away everything but the content and makes long-format texts clean and easy to read. lt;/p>

- Interact and collaborate on all your texts: Highlight favorite passages, make comments, and see what others are Get inspired by what other people are reading via your community of like-minded people.

- Interact and collaborate on all your texts: Highlight favorite passages, make comments, and see what others are reading and commenting on. gt;- Create an archive of all your read knowledge:

While you read on dotdotdot, you are building your own personal You can search all your highlights and quotes, tag them, sort them and never You can search all your highlights and quotes, tag them, sort them and never lose an inspirational thought or text again.

Online Web Learning System Development Platform

DoceBo:Online Web Learning System System Development Platform is a company that develops a framework for online learning systems. The product name is DoceboLMS, an open source platform for complex institutional organizations, corporate groups, government and health departments.

This platform supports 12 languages, including Chinese DoceboLMS provides different educational models, including: hybrid, self-guided, collaborative, and even 53 different features through chat, wiki, forum, chat, quizzes, video conferences, course presentations, polls, FAQ, newsletters, messaging, multi-role permission management, etc. Social learning. Docebo supports Scorm 1.2 and 2004. Docebo can be configured for different training modes (self-study, blended learning, collaborative learning, social learning). Docebo offers interactive collaboration features such as forums, wikis, chat, project management, and knowledge bases.

Docebo provides intelligent management, gap analysis and personal development plans. Docebo supports third-party interfaces such as HRM software, as well as other company services such as (LDAP, Active Directory, CRM, Erp, and custom solutions.) Docebo offers support for social features such as Google Apps, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Docebo offers multi-language support, including support for bidirectional character sets (LTR and RTL) and 18 languages. docebo offers mobile device support. Docebo offers mobile device support.

Easily manage, deliver, and track ILT and WBT activities with an LMS. Docebo enables organizations of all sizes to implement a cost effective, full-featured LMS. Docebo is available in 25 languages for a global customer base. We design and develop pedagogically sound e-learning courses that are multilingual and SCORM compliant. our learning-oriented games engage students and are a way to produce immersive results in real-world learning situations.

Docebo supports customers through all steps of an eLearning project. SCORM is an international standard for tracking E-learning activities.

Online Website Traffic Value Assessment Network

SiteWorthTraffic:Online website traffic value evaluation website is a free website evaluation service designed for different website traffic evaluation to calculate website revenue, statistics of daily visits, daily visitors and daily revenue tools website.

For webmasters only, all like to have a tool You can objectively assess the value of the website itself based on its natural traffic, but of course the domain name is not included in the assessment, the website's traffic is directly related to the website's revenue, which is based on the website's global ranking, Alexa traffic, daily traffic and popularity to comprehensively assess the website's daily, monthly and annual advertising revenue.

Mobile Device Development Services Network

Apps-Builder:Mobile Apps-Builder is a website that constructs custom application services for mobile devices. It provides users with the possibility to customize their mobile applications on Apple Store and Android Market.

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