

Online Web Learning System Development Platform

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brief introduction

DoceBo:Online Web Learning System System Development Platform is a company that develops a framework for online learning systems. The product name is DoceboLMS, an open source platform for complex institutional organizations, corporate groups, government and health departments.

This platform supports 12 languages, including Chinese DoceboLMS provides different educational models, including: hybrid, self-guided, collaborative, and even 53 different features through chat, wiki, forum, chat, quizzes, video conferences, course presentations, polls, FAQ, newsletters, messaging, multi-role permission management, etc. Social learning. Docebo supports Scorm 1.2 and 2004. Docebo can be configured for different training modes (self-study, blended learning, collaborative learning, social learning). Docebo offers interactive collaboration features such as forums, wikis, chat, project management, and knowledge bases.

Docebo provides intelligent management, gap analysis and personal development plans. Docebo supports third-party interfaces such as HRM software, as well as other company services such as (LDAP, Active Directory, CRM, Erp, and custom solutions.) Docebo offers support for social features such as Google Apps, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin. Docebo offers multi-language support, including support for bidirectional character sets (LTR and RTL) and 18 languages. docebo offers mobile device support. Docebo offers mobile device support.

Easily manage, deliver, and track ILT and WBT activities with an LMS. Docebo enables organizations of all sizes to implement a cost effective, full-featured LMS. Docebo is available in 25 languages for a global customer base. We design and develop pedagogically sound e-learning courses that are multilingual and SCORM compliant. our learning-oriented games engage students and are a way to produce immersive results in real-world learning situations.

Docebo supports customers through all steps of an eLearning project. SCORM is an international standard for tracking E-learning activities.

Online Web Learning System Development Platform
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