

Real-time team collaboration chat platform

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brief introduction Real-Time Team Collaboration is a real-time chat tool that brings together the gaps between email and various instant messaging/messaging services, and can be described as a hybrid of Skype, WhatsApp, HipChat and email. There is a web version and a mobile version.

Unlike normal chat tools, it is asynchronous, and it is not critical that members are online. Fleep messages are also longer than regular SMS messages and are more like emails. What's more, other people don't need to be Fleep users to join the conversation via email - for non-Fleep users, the chat appears as an email thread, and for Fleep users, the content of the email appears in a dedicated chat board. This flexible format is ideal for communication and collaboration between teams on projects.

Fleep has three main features, Chat, Pinboard, and Folders. Pinboard is one of the more unique features. A lot of important information is often buried in the sea of chat areas, making it very difficult to find. Pinboard allows users to drag and drop information from anyone in the conversation onto the board, and anyone can edit it. Fleep uses standard SSL technology to encrypt conversations, and what is stored on the server side is also encrypted.

Fleep CEO Henn Ruukel is the former web director of Skype. Fleep summarizes Skype's shortcomings as follows: no offline messaging; you have to be a user of the tool to have a conversation; mobile apps are power hungry; messages can't be synced across devices; lack of proper file sharing tools; and no cross-conference search. The app is not searchable across sessions.

Founded by ex-Skypers, Fleep is a messaging service that fills the gap between email and various IM/texting services. We take email's ability to contact anyone and marry it with real-time messaging.

Fleep - is a cross-platform messaging service that fills the gap between email and various IM / texting services. Features include real-time messaging with your team, a pinboard for important messages , sharing of files and photos, and notifications when someone writes to you

Real-time team collaboration chat platform
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