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Greece Aegean University

The University of the Aegean was founded in 1984 and is one of the youngest universities in Greece. After more than a decade of development, it now has 17 departments, located on five small islands in the Aegean Sea. One of the main features of the University of the Aegean is the promotion of new fields of science, which are perfectly suited to the needs of students, the development of society and the prospects of professional development. The University is committed to improving the educational system and curriculum to meet the needs of the Greek society and global development. The campus has its own gymnasium and swimming pool. The University Library has been open since the establishment of the University and currently holds 54,600 books and 736 periodicals. The campus has a cafeteria and a health screening center, which meet the daily needs of students. The University of the Aegean is located on five small islands in the Aegean Sea: Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Syros and Rhodes, the cradle of European civilization and the inception of modern democracy, with thousands of islands in the eastern Mediterranean.

National Technical University of Athens

Founded in 1836, the National Technical University of Athens (NTU) is Greece's oldest and leading university of science and technology, located in the center of Athens, offering undergraduate and graduate programs in nine faculties and 33 departments, including the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Faculty of Civil Engineering, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, the Faculty of Architecture, the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, the Faculty of Marine and Aerospace Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering, and the Faculty of Engineering. The School of Architecture, the School of Chemical Engineering, the School of Marine and Offshore Engineering, the School of Applied Mathematics and the School of Physics, among others.

Athens Academy of Fine Arts

The Athens School of Fine Arts was the first art school in Greece, established in 1837, with the aim of cultivating artistic talents, and the school adheres to the teaching principles of combining art and technology, combining hands and brain, and combining learning tradition and innovation. In 1843, the art school was divided into three parts: 1. an amateur school to supplement the education and handicraft courses; 2. a full-time course for young students dedicated to industrial handicraft; and 3. a full-time higher school to teach art courses. The third part of the school was called the Athenian School of Art and was the forerunner of the real Athenian School of Art, teaching painting, engraving, architecture, lithography, wood engraving, geometry and cartography. The second part of the school, known as the School of Industrial Arts, was also a technical school, and after 1863 had become an important element in the development of Athenian industry.

Greek School of Mathematics Education

The Greek Content Platform for Digital Education (D School) is a site created by the Greek Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture and Sport to provide teachers and students with a wealth of learning resources, "Digital School" contains all the curricula of Greek primary and secondary schools.

The Greek Digital School offers not only the teaching curriculum but also Provides interactive textbooks, learning knowledge base, educational videos, educational software, etc. Over 100 textbooks and rich interactive digital teaching materials, all books for secondary school students, which include student books, brochures, educational books, etc. and can be printed as PDF paper files.

Ionian University

Ionian University is a public university in Greece, founded in 1984, located in the city of Kerkyra, and opened in 1985, with departments of History, Foreign Languages, and Computer Science.

Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece

The website is the official website of the Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs of Greece, which provides information about the institution, school settings, educational system, scholarships, research and development, educational news, etc. The website is available in Greek and English. The website is available in Greek and English. Greece has a 9-year compulsory education system with free public elementary and secondary schools and scholarships for universities. The famous universities include the University of Athens, the University of Thessaloniki, the University of Crete, the University of Patras, and the Athens School of Engineering.

Aristotle University

Aristotle University in Thessaloniki (commonly known as Aristotle University) is the largest university in Greece. It is named after the philosopher Aristotle, and its campus covers an area of 230,000 square meters, close to the city center of Thessaloniki. Some educational and administrative facilities are located on the campus for practical and operational reasons. There are more than 95,000 undergraduate and graduate students at Aristotle University, 86,000 in bachelor's degree programs and 9,000 in graduate programs. In addition, the number of teaching and research staff is 2,248 (716 professors, 506 associate professors, 576 assistant professors, lecturers and 450), the number of science educators is 84 and the number of professional laboratory teaching staff is 275. The main language of instruction is Modern Greek, but a considerable number of courses are conducted for international students in English, French and German.

University of Ioannina

The University of Ioannina is a public university in Greece, officially established in 1970, located in Ioannina, with faculties of medicine, philosophy, science and other schools, with about 20,000 students. The University of Ioannina is a public university in Greece, founded in 1970;

Greece Patras University

The University of Patras, founded in 1964, is the third largest university in the world, occupying an area of 2.4 square kilometers, and was established with the intention of focusing on science, technology, economics, business administration and social sciences, and has now expanded to other academic areas such as health sciences and humanities. In addition to education, the school has achieved outstanding results in the areas of basic and applied research. It has also gained an international reputation for its leadership and breadth of research in areas such as the environment, health, biotechnology, mechanics, electronics, information, and basic sciences.

Crete Polytechnic University

The Technical University of Crete is a Greek public university founded in 1977, located in the island of Crete, with more than 3,000 students.

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