

Greece Aegean University

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brief introduction

The University of the Aegean was founded in 1984 and is one of the youngest universities in Greece. After more than a decade of development, it now has 17 departments, located on five small islands in the Aegean Sea. One of the main features of the University of the Aegean is the promotion of new fields of science, which are perfectly suited to the needs of students, the development of society and the prospects of professional development. The University is committed to improving the educational system and curriculum to meet the needs of the Greek society and global development. The campus has its own gymnasium and swimming pool. The University Library has been open since the establishment of the University and currently holds 54,600 books and 736 periodicals. The campus has a cafeteria and a health screening center, which meet the daily needs of students. The University of the Aegean is located on five small islands in the Aegean Sea: Lesvos, Chios, Samos, Syros and Rhodes, the cradle of European civilization and the inception of modern democracy, with thousands of islands in the eastern Mediterranean.

Greece Aegean University
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