

Athens Academy of Fine Arts

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brief introduction

The Athens School of Fine Arts was the first art school in Greece, established in 1837, with the aim of cultivating artistic talents, and the school adheres to the teaching principles of combining art and technology, combining hands and brain, and combining learning tradition and innovation. In 1843, the art school was divided into three parts: 1. an amateur school to supplement the education and handicraft courses; 2. a full-time course for young students dedicated to industrial handicraft; and 3. a full-time higher school to teach art courses. The third part of the school was called the Athenian School of Art and was the forerunner of the real Athenian School of Art, teaching painting, engraving, architecture, lithography, wood engraving, geometry and cartography. The second part of the school, known as the School of Industrial Arts, was also a technical school, and after 1863 had become an important element in the development of Athenian industry.

Athens Academy of Fine Arts
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