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Soundsnap America's famous Music search and exchange website, officially launched on July 2, 2007, provides professional sound effects, music Loop search, massive free music material, music sampling, sharing and exchange, etc.

Based on Youtube streaming music sharing network
< div class="sitetext"> on Youtube streaming music sharing network is an i amount based on Youtube video site streaming media online collection site, providing including music, life, news, sports, technology, comedy and other video It is a platform to help users find the most popular and hottest video resources on Youtube.

Songza Music Community Website

Songza USA a quality music community that encourages users to share quality music. Users can search for their favorite music through the site and share it to find out what other friends like, as well as explore, collaborate and communicate with other users, making it a free and easy platform for music sharing.

Jango Music Radio

Jango America a free personalized Jango, a free personalized music station, was established in 2006. The website is its official website, mainly providing services such as song reviews, sharing, radio editing, and creating personalized radio stations.


allmusicThe world's largest music One of the world's largest music databases and the most famous music navigation site in the United States, created in 1995. Users can search through allmusic for the latest songs, song information, artist or band information, music genre profiles, album catalogs and more, making it a site that music lovers can't afford to miss.

Free Personalized Online Music Radio

JanGo: Free Personalized Online Music Radio is a famous American music online Internet radio station, founded in 2006, including song reviews, sharing, radio editing, etc. It also allows users to create and share their own personalized music radio stations.


Beats By Dr. Dre is a world-renowned vocal equipment brand, jointly developed by associates Dr. Dre and Jimmy Iovine in 2008, with products including headphones and speakers, which ended in 2012 with Magic Sound and was acquired in 2014.


TuneIn is an American website for listening to music TuneIn is a U.S. site for listening to music, talk and other forms of audio, aggregating 50,000 sources of streaming content with simple human-computer interaction that allows users to listen to all local radio stations, browse music genres and search for new and old podcast content. In addition, the site offers iPhone, iPad and Android apps for mobile users.

International Sheet Music Collection

The International Music Score Library Project ( The International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP) is a WIKI-based score repository established in 2006 to collect public domain scores, making it a huge free score repository. The IMSLP has uploaded the complete works of Bach, as well as selected works by Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart and others. As of June 26, 2014, IMSLP has uploaded 277,682 scores and 299,945 recordings.

Sub Pop Records

Sub Pop is an American record Founded in 1986 and headquartered in Seattle, it has been described as the premier pioneer of trash rock.


Playlist America's leading music The social networking site, a search engine based music service site. Users can search, share music, create their own music playlists, and exchange, reply and discuss music by simply registering for free.


Shark (Grooveshark) Grooveshark is a music search engine and storage site that provides free music mostly from its own sources, not from third-party networks. Through the Grooveshark website, users can create their own playlists and albums, collect and try out their favorite music online, and upload and share their music compositions.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Rock and The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a museum and research institute in Cleveland, USA, dedicated to documenting the history of artists, producers and other figures who have had a significant impact on rock and roll. Nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame must be nominated more than 25 years after the release of their first album. Each year, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Gala honors the most important awards in the rock and roll industry.

iLike America's famous music site. Users can discover music, create playlists, personalize music subscriptions, share music, etc. through the site.

Juilliard School of Music

The Juilliard School (The The Juilliard School, one of the world's most prestigious performing arts schools, was founded in 1905 and is located in Lincoln Center, New York. The Juilliard School offers majors in dance, drama, and music.

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