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Russian Library Union

Russian Book Union (Russian Book Union, abbreviated as РКС) is a non-governmental, non-profit publishing industry alliance organization created by large Russian publishers and book distributors to improve the competitiveness of Russia in the field of books. Founded in 2001, almost all the giants of the publishing industry in Russia are members of the Union.

In November 2006, in order to promote national reading and book promotion, the Russian Publishing and In November 2006, in order to promote national reading and book promotion, the Russian Publishing and Mass Media Agency and the Russian Book Union jointly developed and published the "State Support and Development of Reading Program" (the "Program"). This plan was supported by then Russian President Vladimir Putin, Putin asked the government to develop specific measures to implement, in terms of financial and other support.

The founders of the Union hope that by establishing such a widely involved organization, the full picture of the contemporary Russian book industry will be presented. The most important task of the Union is to strive for strong state support for mass media and book publishing. The Russian Book Union declared 2007 as the Russian National Year of Reading.

In 2007, the program was officially launched. The program is implemented in three stages: 2007-2010 for the first stage, the establishment of organizational mechanisms and infrastructure to support and develop reading; 2011-2015 for the second stage, the systematic strengthening of infrastructure; 2016-2020 for the third stage, to further explore the implementation of the program. The third stage is to further explore the potential of the implementation of the Outline and achieve rapid growth. The Outline provides planning and requirements for libraries, education systems, reading popularization systems, the book industry, talent training systems, and management systems for reading infrastructure. The Outline clearly defines the important role of mass media, especially television and radio, in promoting reading for all.

"Outline" in the past two years, the Russian Publishing and Mass Media Agency and the Russian Library Union to support and promote the organization of many colorful national reading activities throughout Russia. For example, book fairs, book festivals, book reading competitions, the publication of books to promote reading, financial support for book publishing, the organization of international book fairs host country activities, the Year of the Russian language, etc.. The Russian Book Union is also one of the organizers of the St. Petersburg International Book Salon.

Official Website of the Russian Presidential Administration

KremLin:The Russian Presidential Administration The official website is the press release site of the Russian Presidential Administration, where every incoming president works in the Kremlin, and its official website is one of the sites for important news releases to the outside world.

Part of the work of the Russian President and his office The staff occupies the first building of the Kremlin. After entering the Kremlin through the gate under the Spasta building, the building on the left is the Presidential Palace. This is the first former Soviet-era building in the Kremlin, built by architects in 1932-1934 in the style of the building of the House of Representatives across the street.

Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Ministry of Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters of the Russian Federation (the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation; EMERCOM) is one of the executive departments of the Russian federal government, established in 1994, whose main responsibilities include the development of emergency response procedures and state policy, the unified command and management of civil defense and natural disaster response in the Russian Federation. The main responsibilities include the development of emergency response procedures and national policy, the unified command and management of civil defense and search and rescue in the Russian Federation, and the establishment and refinement of the Russian Disaster Management System.

World Federation of Trade Unions_WFTU

The World Federation of Trade Unions (abbreviated as WFTU) is an international labor organization founded in 1945 and headquartered in Athens, Greece, with a membership of more than 200 trade union organizations.

ITC|International Trade Center Organization

The International Trade Center Organization (Centre The ITC is a subsidiary body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and provides trade-related technical assistance limited to promoting exports from (so-called) developing countries and economies in transition.

The International Trade Information Center is the predecessor of the International Trade Center. Its predecessor, the "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade" (GATT), was adopted in 1964 to help developing countries develop their export promotion services by providing them with export market and marketing-related information and to assist them in training the personnel needed to advance their export promotion efforts.

In an effort to streamline export promotion in the United Nations system, the GATT (the predecessor of the WTO, which was not part of the UN system), then still part of the UN system, and the newly created UNCTAD agreed to establish a branch to integrate the trade promotion efforts of the two organizations. The agreement was reached in 1967, and on January 1, 1968, the International Trade Center was officially established (without the use of the term "Trade Information Center"). The headquarters of the International Trade Center is located in Geneva, with an office in Mexico City.

The International Trade Center cannot be described in a systematic way. Therefore, the following description may be inaccurate. The ITC provides a variety of services to its partners. In its work, it divides its partners into three categories: policy makers, trade support organizations, and companies. Some services are designed specifically for one type of partner, while others are provided to all partners. In principle, there is no limit to the scope of services provided by the ITC, which will be designed according to the specific requirements of the beneficiary country or donor.

Financial Stability Committee

The Financial Stability Board (FSB; abbreviated as FSB; Financial Stability Board) is an international organization established in 2009 under the G20, headquartered in Basel, primarily responsible for regulating and advising on the global financial system, and dedicated to maintaining It is responsible for regulating and advising on the global financial system and is committed to maintaining financial stability.

International Hotel Association_IH&RA

The International Hotel & Restaurant Association (abbreviated as IH&RA) is an international business organization founded in 1946 and now headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Founded in 1946 and now headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, it is an international organization for the hotel industry.

Swiss Federal Office for Migration

The website is the official website of the Swiss Federal Office for Migration (FOM), providing information on the department and immigration matters in four languages: German, French, Italian and English. The Federal Office for Migration is responsible for the management of foreigners coming to live or work in Switzerland and has the authority to approve and decide on applications for asylum, while collaborating with the federal government, cantons and social forces in naturalization matters.

Official Website of the World Meteorological Organization

WMO:The official website of the World Meteorological Organization is WMO is a specialized agency of the United Nations World Meteorological Organization, founded in Vienna in 1873, and is an international institution for the development of meteorological operations and cooperative activities in meteorological science among the governments of the world.

The World Meteorological Organization was convened in Washington, D.C., in September-October 1947. In October 1947 in Washington, D.C., the International Meteorological Organization meeting of meteorological secretaries renamed the World Meteorological Organization. Its predecessor, the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), was officially established in 1878 as an unofficial body after two international conferences held in Leipzig and Vienna in 1872 and 1873 respectively.

In September 1947 in Washington, the meeting of meteorological secretaries, adopted the draft of the World Meteorological Convention, March 23, 1950 the Convention came into force, the International Meteorological Organization was renamed the World Meteorological Organization. March 19, 1951 in Paris, the first General Assembly of the World Meteorological Organization. Formal establishment of the organization. In December of the same year, became a specialized agency of the United Nations.

World Meteorological Organization was established 45 years ago, the membership has grown to more than one hundred and sixty, the work has also made many achievements. The Global Ozone Observing System, which began in 1957, has gone through 30 years of painstaking coordination and standardized observations, and finally led to the signing of the Montreal Protocol on the protection of the ozone layer by many countries in 1987.

IUCN official website

World Conservation Union (WCU), abbreviated as IUCN, often abbreviated as IUCNNR, is an international organization for the purpose of protecting the natural environment, headquartered in Gland, Switzerland, specializing in the conservation of the world's natural environment.


IUCN was founded in 1948 and is headquartered in Gland, Switzerland, and consists of 81 countries, 120 governmental organizations, over 800 non-governmental organizations, 10,000 IUCN is composed of 81 countries, 120 governmental organizations, more than 800 non-governmental organizations, 10,000 experts and scientists, with 181 member countries. There are 915 national, governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) members in 133 countries.

IUCN is a unique worldwide alliance, one of the few international organizations in which both governments and NGOs can participate and cooperate, convening once every four years as the top governing body of the alliance. The General Assembly (formerly known as the "Plenary Assembly") sets the policy for the entire Union, adopts the Union's work plan, and elects the Union's President and members of the Council.

The IUCN always takes into account the interests of people in its work, i.e. the protection of nature and natural resources in the context of sustainable development. The IUCN is committed to saving endangered species of animals and plants; establishing national parks and reserves; and assessing the conservation of species and ecosystems and helping them recover. The protected environment includes both terrestrial and marine environments. The Alliance focuses on developing strategies and programs for the conservation and management of forests, wetlands, coasts and marine resources. The Alliance's pioneering role in promoting the development of the concept of biodiversity has made it a key player in promoting the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the national and global levels.

UN Women Official Website

UnWomen:United Nations Women The official website of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (also known as UN Women) was established in 2011 to consolidate and make more effective the resources of the United Nations in the area of gender equality and women's empowerment.

The UN Women's Office in China has long been committed to The main areas of work are:

1. Eliminating violence against women and ensuring that women enjoy a life free of violence: Violence against women is the most common violation of women's rights. Therefore, strong laws are needed to protect and prevent women from violence.

2. Increase women's leadership and participation in decision-making: Women have less decision-making power in both government organizations and corporate boardrooms. Measures need to be taken to increase women's participation in politics and to help them realize their full leadership potential.

3. Economic empowerment of women. Although numerous studies have shown that economic empowerment of women tends to boost national economies, women still lag far behind men in terms of access to land, credit and employment opportunities.

4. National programs and budgets. Public programs often overlook the specific needs and concerns of women. Therefore, future government programs should be developed with the goal of achieving gender equality in society, and all related programs should be implemented and adequately funded.

Combine and transfer the existing tasks and functions of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women and the Division for the Advancement of Women of the Secretariat, the United Nations Development Fund for Women and the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women to this entity; the entity will perform the functions of the Secretariat while The entity will perform the functions of the Secretariat while conducting operational activities at the national level.

Official Website of the International Civil Aviation Organization

Icao:International Civil Aviation Organization Official The website is a specialized agency of the United Nations, whose purpose and objectives are to develop the principles and techniques of international navigation and to promote the planning and development of international air transport. To ensure the safe and orderly development of international civil aviation worldwide.

The International Civil Aviation Organization is headquartered in Montreal, Canada. The ICAO, headquartered in Montreal, Canada, sets international air transport standards and regulations and is the medium for cooperation among the 185 contracting states in the field of civil aviation.

ICAO's main tasks are: to set international aviation and safety standards, to collect, review and publish aviation information, and also to act as a tribunal to resolve any disputes between member states in relation to international civil aviation, to prevent economic waste caused by unreasonable competition, and to improve flight safety. With the cooperation of member countries, the organization has gradually established a model of meteorological services, traffic control, communications, wireless telecommunication platforms, organization of search and rescue and other facilities necessary for flight safety.

International Handball Federation

The International Handball Federation (IHF, International Handball Federation, IHF) is the governing body for the international sport of handball, founded in 1946 and headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, with 163 members (2014) and official The official languages are English, French and German. The IHF organizes tournaments such as the World Men's Handball Championship and the World Women's Handball Championship.


Fédération Internationale de Basketball (abbreviated as FIBA) is an international basketball organization founded in 1932, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, composed of national basketball federations, responsible for developing the rules of international basketball competition FIBA is responsible for setting the rules of international basketball, developing court and basketball specifications, organizing basketball tournaments such as the Men's World Cup, and promoting the sport of basketball around the world.

International Labour Organization

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a specialized agency dealing with labor affairs, established under the 1919 Versailles Peace Treaty and as an affiliate of the League of Nations, with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and its training center in Turin, Italy. On December 14, 1946, the ILO became a specialized agency of the United Nations; in 1969, it received the Peace Prize.

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