

Russian Library Union

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brief introduction

Russian Book Union (Russian Book Union, abbreviated as РКС) is a non-governmental, non-profit publishing industry alliance organization created by large Russian publishers and book distributors to improve the competitiveness of Russia in the field of books. Founded in 2001, almost all the giants of the publishing industry in Russia are members of the Union.

In November 2006, in order to promote national reading and book promotion, the Russian Publishing and In November 2006, in order to promote national reading and book promotion, the Russian Publishing and Mass Media Agency and the Russian Book Union jointly developed and published the "State Support and Development of Reading Program" (the "Program"). This plan was supported by then Russian President Vladimir Putin, Putin asked the government to develop specific measures to implement, in terms of financial and other support.

The founders of the Union hope that by establishing such a widely involved organization, the full picture of the contemporary Russian book industry will be presented. The most important task of the Union is to strive for strong state support for mass media and book publishing. The Russian Book Union declared 2007 as the Russian National Year of Reading.

In 2007, the program was officially launched. The program is implemented in three stages: 2007-2010 for the first stage, the establishment of organizational mechanisms and infrastructure to support and develop reading; 2011-2015 for the second stage, the systematic strengthening of infrastructure; 2016-2020 for the third stage, to further explore the implementation of the program. The third stage is to further explore the potential of the implementation of the Outline and achieve rapid growth. The Outline provides planning and requirements for libraries, education systems, reading popularization systems, the book industry, talent training systems, and management systems for reading infrastructure. The Outline clearly defines the important role of mass media, especially television and radio, in promoting reading for all.

"Outline" in the past two years, the Russian Publishing and Mass Media Agency and the Russian Library Union to support and promote the organization of many colorful national reading activities throughout Russia. For example, book fairs, book festivals, book reading competitions, the publication of books to promote reading, financial support for book publishing, the organization of international book fairs host country activities, the Year of the Russian language, etc.. The Russian Book Union is also one of the organizers of the St. Petersburg International Book Salon.

Russian Library Union
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