

IUCN official website

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brief introduction

World Conservation Union (WCU), abbreviated as IUCN, often abbreviated as IUCNNR, is an international organization for the purpose of protecting the natural environment, headquartered in Gland, Switzerland, specializing in the conservation of the world's natural environment.


IUCN was founded in 1948 and is headquartered in Gland, Switzerland, and consists of 81 countries, 120 governmental organizations, over 800 non-governmental organizations, 10,000 IUCN is composed of 81 countries, 120 governmental organizations, more than 800 non-governmental organizations, 10,000 experts and scientists, with 181 member countries. There are 915 national, governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) members in 133 countries.

IUCN is a unique worldwide alliance, one of the few international organizations in which both governments and NGOs can participate and cooperate, convening once every four years as the top governing body of the alliance. The General Assembly (formerly known as the "Plenary Assembly") sets the policy for the entire Union, adopts the Union's work plan, and elects the Union's President and members of the Council.

The IUCN always takes into account the interests of people in its work, i.e. the protection of nature and natural resources in the context of sustainable development. The IUCN is committed to saving endangered species of animals and plants; establishing national parks and reserves; and assessing the conservation of species and ecosystems and helping them recover. The protected environment includes both terrestrial and marine environments. The Alliance focuses on developing strategies and programs for the conservation and management of forests, wetlands, coasts and marine resources. The Alliance's pioneering role in promoting the development of the concept of biodiversity has made it a key player in promoting the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the national and global levels.

IUCN official website
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