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Local Area Network Clipboard Sharing Tool

Ditto is a tool that can support sharing clipboard content between computers in multiple local area networks, and it can be a good solution to such problems under the premise of inconvenient transfer of clipboard content between HOST and Guest. Support Chinese.

Usage is also very simple: install the software on the computer in the local area network, and then add as a friend. Install the software, and then add as a friend, check the box can share the contents of the clipboard, up to 15 ip support, although the software is not too commonly used, for operations and maintenance personnel, in the server room maintenance, encounter computer transmission problems can use this software to solve the problem.

Online Internet Business Card Production Network

WorkFace:Online Internet Business Card Maker is a website that allows users to create their own Internet business cards, helping them to create various account information, personal biographies, contact information, etc. on the Internet, making it easy for them to use the network.

Currently supports personal information aggregation (Twitter, Facebook, etc.), RSS, detailed self-profiles, various IM accounts, phone numbers, etc. on some major websites. In addition, users can choose their favorite from a rich variety of themed skins to use, and each personal business card can be downloaded in vCard format, which is very convenient. has both free and paid versions, if you need more value-added services such as theme selection and ad-free, you need to pay for it.

Online Lomo style image editing tools

Rollip:Online Lomo style photo editing tool is an online free photo style editing tool that allows you to make Lomo style photos without knowing PS, super easy Lomo photo processing website; just upload Just upload the photo, select the effect, and immediately a beautiful Lomo style photo will come out.


LOMO is the Russian abbreviation for Leningrad Optical Instruments Factory, famous for making spy cameras with the LOMO logo engraved on them. Later, people gradually found that this factory produces the machine out of the photos are very characteristic, even the characteristics of anti-traditional photography, such as dark corners, distortion, color bias, etc., to shoot some life scenes look very non-mainstream flavor, so it became popular, and gradually LOMO became synonymous with the kind of non-mainstream cameras, those originally in the old goods stalls at the price of cabbage spy cameras were immediately fired up.

LOMO has many ways to play, but I have heard of the most extreme way to play is to first put the selfie string on, and then throw the machine into the air to a This good luck, the machine can return to the hands, bad luck will be scrapped together with the machine with a piece.

As a lover of traditional photography, I personally think that LOMO can only be an alternative way to play with photography for the masses, but it is indeed a low threshold, and the photos taken can be said to be LOMO style regardless of the good and bad, without risking the embarrassment of having their masterpiece criticized.

Vaufonts|Free Online Art Font Generator

"Vaufonts" is a site that can generate artistic special effects fonts online, the site provides png, jepg, GIF motion pictures, mp4 video The output of the format, the background can be hidden, a variety of parameters can be set freely, you can also set the shadow, three-dimensional effects.

"Vaufonts" fonts is a new typography tool, the site design is very simple, and the operation steps are simple, generate no waiting, the site currently provides 24 fonts available for use, image size support 16:9, 16:10, 4:3, support for the cover. The application is in the testing stage and is constantly evolving.

Online Internet Content Filter Collection Tool

BuzzSumo: Online Internet Content Filtering and Collection Tool is a tool that helps users filter the most popular content on the Internet and also collects content data from social media statistics, filters it for different types of content, sorts it, and so on. Sorting, etc., is very useful for SEO optimizers to analyze the data.

buzzsumo is an incredibly Trusted new tool that allows you to search the web to find popular content related to your niche. The tool can also collect social media statistics and then export the content to CSV or XLS files. Interested parties can study it. Very powerful!

Buzzsumo - claims that they can "improve your online experience". Discover what people are sharing the most in your niche. find interesting content to curate, and filter through different types of content. sort by SEO metrics such as Page Authority, or Pagerank.

BuzzSumo analyzed 100 million Facebook BuzzSumo analyzed 100 million Facebook videos and found that food videos do not necessarily attract more eyeballs unless they are food videos, because food videos are the most communicative to viewers, followed by fashion and beauty, which are twice as popular. After that, the most interactive topics are pets, DIY and so on. Take the videos of the food channel Buzzfeed's Tasty for example, they are often watched more than 100 million times, with one video called "Sliders 4 Ways" receiving 194 Sliders 4 Ways has received 194 million views.

Online Math Problem Solver

Mathpapa: Online Math Problem Solver is an online tool based on the calculation of mathematical problems, enter the equation to get a detailed cut-off steps, so that you will not do mathematical problems quickly get the solution steps, is a student, parents, tutors It is a must-have tool for students, parents and tutors.

Recently, there are a lot of test-based APP applications on the Internet, just take a picture to get the answer quickly, but with the answer is not finished, we also need detailed steps, especially in mathematics, studied mathematics know that some equations are very troublesome, one step wrong step wrong, Algebra Calculator not only The Algebra Calculator not only lists detailed explanations for the equations, but for some forms of problems, the answers will also have detailed diagrams, so you can better understand the process of the equations.

After entering the website, you can directly enter the equation you want to calculate, and there is no problem with the category of unitary or binary, and the square can be represented by 2^2 like this, and the cases provided also provide a lot of equations for reference, so you know approximately which types of problems can be solved.

Online depth-of-field photo 3D effect simulation tool

Depthy:Online Depth of Field Photo 3D Simulation Tool is a tool to make the beauty of blurred bokeh effect deep into your photos, take a photo or select a photo in the album, touch the area you want to keep clear, and then the application will automatically Then the application will automatically help you to blur other areas, it is that simple.

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Online form creation to picture tool

Charts Builder: Online Form Maker to Chart Tool is a tool that allows you to create a chart online without using any software and then generate a picture and copy the sticky Then you can generate images and copy and paste them into various documents or send them to other users via email to view.

Free online image editing tools

iPiccy is a free online photo editing service website. No need to register, you can directly use the online picture editing service, and in addition to the basic editing functions, there are a variety of effects that can set the intensity. It supports local uploading of pictures, adding URL addresses of pictures, acquiring photos with a camera, and online doodling.

Online free keying tool

Background Burner:Online free keying tool is a keying tool that can help users remove the background of product pictures, very suitable for product category picture keying, help e-commerce save a lot of time in retouching, provide product picture keying efficiency.

Background Burner It allows us to automatically detect and paint out background images other than the main character after uploading the image, and allows us to manually modify the small corners to be painted out or restored in a real-time preview after completion, and quickly dig out the main character or auction items...etc. for later processing or other handling.

Usage: Detailed pictures will not be added, the operation is relatively simple, and the web page has examples to illustrate the

1, open the "Background Burner" website. Pull the picture in the computer to the dotted box on the web page, or press the "Choose file" button on the right to select the image file to be processed.

2, then the Background Burner website will automatically help the picture to remove the background screen other than the main characters.

3. There will be several groups of finished pictures to choose from when finished, if the effect of back removal is very good you can download the pictures directly by pressing the "Select" button. If you think there are still some small places that can be manually adjusted, you can press the "Touch up" button to modify it yourself.

4. When adjusting the details manually, you can first press the magnifying glass icon to enlarge the picture, and then use the red "Erase" brush to circle the part of the left picture that you want to go back. The right side of the real-time preview area will show the results of the changes, and after all the changes are made, press the "Use this" button in the lower right corner to end editing.

5. After finishing, please click the "Log in to download" button to log in to the website and download the file.

6. When downloading, you can choose to download the JPG format image with a white background or the PNG format image with a transparent background.

7、In addition, you can also click the "Replace background" button to directly select other scenery, interesting patterns ... etc. as the background to make some very special effects.

Online cloud word imaging authoring tool

TagxeDo:Online Cloud Word Imaging Tool The tool is a powerful word cloud tool that not only supports Chinese but also allows you to do a lot of settings to achieve the effect you want, you can make the character avatar with single words or text to make a word picture style.

Tagxedo2010 online perfect Tagxedo combines the word frequency, theme, and tag very well. It uses Sliverlight and renders very fast. The advantage of Tagxedo is that you can customize the shape of the cloud, extract the relevant high frequency words from the imported text or Url content as constituent elements, and draw your own perfect tag cloud by customizing the color scheme. The author is a UCLA computing undergraduate, Carnegie Mellon computing graduate student and UC Berkeley MBA.

It should be noted that the use of TagxeDo tool requires the installation of a plug-in, which requires the installation of Microsoft Silverlight ( Silverlight (Silverlight) is a cross-browser, cross-client platform technology that enables the design, development and distribution of multimedia experiences and rich interaction (RIA, Rich Interface Application) web interaction programs.)

In addition here no longer provide detailed production methods, to provide a third-party blog published by the use of instructions it:

Tagxedo is another great Tagxedo is another great resource for helping kids learn both writing and design skills, as it allows them to create and save word clouds like the one below. If they have to memorize a speech or quote, they can also design a word cloud that will help them recall every single word, and there are tons of design options to make every cloud

Online English Word Count Tool

WordCounter:Online English Word Counter is an online tool that supports English word and character counts. You can copy and paste your own English articles into it and the tool will automatically count the number of words, characters, space characters, sentences, paragraphs, and sentences in the article, which will help the author to count the efficiency and completion of the writing.

For English writers, especially those writing short articles In addition, the tool will automatically display the top 10 keywords and the density of keywords, so that you can make your own action. In addition, the tool will automatically display the top 10 keywords and keyword density, so that you can control the percentage of keywords used in each article.

Online Google Keyword Analysis Tool

KeywordTool:Online Google keyword analysis tool is an online tool to help webmasters mine and share Google keywords. You only need to enter the keywords you want to find and the Google location to look up the relevant keywords for different regions, which is a powerful tool for national SEO against Google keywords.

Many domestic webmasters are dependent on Baidu's Generate, many webmasters have been shifting the line of sight, with foreign space to do foreign sites, follow the footsteps of Google to do site optimization, here we play foreign sites for webmasters can provide an alternative to Google keyword analysis tools to help webmasters optimize their sites for Google,

KeywordTool this keyword tool is free to use, according to your input keywords to complete their own analysis and filtering work, and generate hundreds of related long-tail keywords, to help you use Google to automatically complete the keywords of ah cattle, extract Google's suggestions for various keywords, and will be presented to the user reference, the most important is that the tool can help you analyze different Google domain names around the The most important thing is that the tool can help you analyze the keywords of different Google domains in different regions, currently supports 194 Google domains and 83 Chinese languages. There is also full support for Chinese!

Free online voice changer

is a free online voice modulation tool that allows you to create cartoons with your own voice! It allows you to create cartoon animations with your own voice! No need for any animation creation, video production skills, just pick up your microphone to record voice, and then through the expression of cute and funny cartoon characters to speak, generate animation video. You can also embed the generated video code into your blog.

[ The site is currently discontinued, if Please submit a similar site ]

After entering the AnMish website and registering successfully, click START ANMISH to select a cartoon character of your choice. Image, in the recording page, you can choose the sensitivity of the microphone, it is recommended to adjust to the highest, check the change of tone, so you can start to prank!

The bottom left is to switch the distance of the camera, the right option is to switch the expression of the cartoon character. The animation can be recorded for a maximum of 30 seconds, depending on the length of the recording time to determine the save time, the recording can be automatically saved when finished.

After saving, it will automatically jump to the playback page. Simple and convenient! Make funny talking cartoon characters, entertain yourself or your dead friends as you wish!

Online Micrometric Calculator Tool

SymboLab:Online Calculus Calculator The calculator tool is a tool that supports calculating calculus equations, you can enter the equations through the virtual keyboard and then the results will come out automatically, for school children, if you encounter problems that you can not do, you should try this online tool, every step of the answer is clear and understandable.

For people like me who don't like math, the numbers are all over the place in my eyes. Of course, for children who are still good at learning, when you can't do a certain set of calculus questions, you can use this online tool to help you answer them, the purpose is of course the process rather than the result, the site can put your input calculus how to calculate each step is clear, and do not know directly tell you the results, so for teachers and parents, do not reject So for teachers and parents, don't reject such a tool because it can help students sort out how to calculate calculus and how to do it.

Although this site looks like a foreign site, when you enter a test, there is a language selection in the upper right corner, and it supports Chinese perfectly!

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