

Online Lomo style image editing tools

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brief introduction

Rollip:Online Lomo style photo editing tool is an online free photo style editing tool that allows you to make Lomo style photos without knowing PS, super easy Lomo photo processing website; just upload Just upload the photo, select the effect, and immediately a beautiful Lomo style photo will come out.


LOMO is the Russian abbreviation for Leningrad Optical Instruments Factory, famous for making spy cameras with the LOMO logo engraved on them. Later, people gradually found that this factory produces the machine out of the photos are very characteristic, even the characteristics of anti-traditional photography, such as dark corners, distortion, color bias, etc., to shoot some life scenes look very non-mainstream flavor, so it became popular, and gradually LOMO became synonymous with the kind of non-mainstream cameras, those originally in the old goods stalls at the price of cabbage spy cameras were immediately fired up.

LOMO has many ways to play, but I have heard of the most extreme way to play is to first put the selfie string on, and then throw the machine into the air to a This good luck, the machine can return to the hands, bad luck will be scrapped together with the machine with a piece.

As a lover of traditional photography, I personally think that LOMO can only be an alternative way to play with photography for the masses, but it is indeed a low threshold, and the photos taken can be said to be LOMO style regardless of the good and bad, without risking the embarrassment of having their masterpiece criticized.

Online Lomo style image editing tools
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