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WEB-based mail server system

RainLoop:WEB-based mail server system is a free and open source PHP Web Mail client system application, you can manage multiple accounts with a single view, the program has a brief interface and comprehensive features, supports SMTP+IMAP, is the best program for personal mail clients.


RainLoop environment support:Web server:Apache, nginx, lighttpd;PHP: 5.3 and above;

PHP extensions: cURL, iconv, json, libxml, dom, openssl, DateTime, PCRE, SPL;

Browser:Internet Explorer 8, Firefox, Opera 10+, Safari 3+, Google Chrome.

RainLoop does not need a database, the application does not store emails, the application directly accesses the mail server and RainLoop is just a simple and practical way to display emails! Performance depends entirely on your server memory and network speed, of course, we ourselves or a small team to use, no problem at all.

RainLoop is a Free, modern & fast web-based email client. With modest system requirements, decent performance, simple installation and upgrade, no database required - all these make RainLoop Webmail a perfect choice for your email solution.

YoutubeDJ|Online DJ Video Editing Tool

DJ is a DJ music editing and combining tool based on Youtube video site resources, helping users who like DJ music to combine their favorite, popular and popular video mixes together to form a new DJ video. DJ is a DJ music editing tool based on Youtube video site resources, helping users who like DJ music to mix their favorite, popular and popular videos together to form a new DJ video, use your imagination and music cells to make it together.

Real-time Voice Translation Platform

Babelverse:Real-Time Speech Babelverse is also a global platform for mediating interpretation services.

Register with Babelverse Then send a request to Babelverse for help with business, travel, or any other situation where you need a simultaneous interpreter. Upon receipt of your request, they will automatically screen and assign you the most suitable interpreter based on a variety of factors, including language type, ability, level, expertise and accent. You can apply through your computer, smartphone or other mobile device, and the interpreter will use a headset and provide you with a live interpretation service through your browser, Skype, SIP or local phone.

If you have strong interpretation skills, Babelverse can provide you with a new source of income. Although the default cost is 70% lower than the market rate, Babelverse sets different discount rates depending on the experience of the translator, the language and the level of consumption in the location in order to have better control over the price and quality of the translation. Professional interpreters who are professionally trained, certified or have extensive practical experience will be treated differently.

Online Dynamic Word Creation Tool

Extanim:Online Dynamic Word Creation The tool is a small station to create dynamic text effects online, the function is very simple, but very practical, short time to generate the text effects are also quite good-looking, and also supports Chinese.

Picture Text Generator Tool

PictoTool:Picture Text Generator tool is an interesting picture text generator. Open a website, enter text or select the image provided on the website, then select your favorite color, text size and other options, and finally click "Generate" to generate interesting picture text.

Text and images are the two most common ways of human expression. The two most common ways of human expression are words and pictures. The text expression is more direct, more convenient and easier to spread, while the picture expression is more vivid and easier to understand. With the development of Internet technology, the growth of information has become geometrical, people do not have so much time to read words, pictures are undoubtedly a better choice for expression.

After the picture text is generated, click DOWNLOAD to download the png format and save it to local. Sometimes the combination of pictures and text will produce a more intuitive, profound and innovative expression. The finished picture text can be posted to Weibo to share, or sent to friends as a picture message full of deep feelings

Color Conversion Tool

Colorhexa: Color Conversion Tool is a free color tool that provides information related to any color. Simply enter any color value in the search box and it will return a detailed description and will automatically convert it to the corresponding hexadecimal, binary, etc.

Colorhexa's usage is simple just Enter any color value in the search box (see the full list) and ColorHexa will return you a detailed description and automatically convert it to the corresponding hexadecimal, binary, RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV, CIE-Lab, Hunter-Lab, CIE-Luv, CIE-LCH, XYZ, xyy values.

ColorHexa can also automatically generate color schemes that correspond to colors, such as complementary/contrast, split complementary, analogous, triadic, and tetrachromatic. triadic), four-color (tetradic), monochromatic (monochromatic), etc. So you can know what kind of color is the most suitable choice. It can also mix multiple colors, or create a gradient between them.

Just simply search for a color and you will get an encyclopedic feedback page. Everything from similar colors and color schemes to automatically generated HTML elements and related shading is displayed.

Online MP3 Volume Up Tool

Mp3Louder:Online MP3 Volume amplification tool is a tool that provides free volume amplification adjustment for MP3 audio files. You can upload local MP3 audio files directly through your browser and provide the volume of your favorite audio files without damaging the sound quality through a simple three-step operation.

Sometimes we find a good sound because The volume of the phone is relatively small, the phone sometimes can not hear, but do not want to give up using the ringtones, then you can use this tool to provide the volume of MP3 ringtones, the use of the method is also relatively simple:

1, upload the MP3 audio files on the local computer;

2. Select the volume multiplier provided, nine different multiplier options are available here, generally recommended to increase the volume by 3 times, up to 50 times.

3, choose the left channel or right channel. Once you are done, you can download it to your local computer and try it out. If you are not satisfied, you can re-upload and adjust it.

Online Mixing Tool

IncrediBox website is a Each type has 5 different beats and tones, allowing us to mix and match up to 7 characters to make sound combinations, and during the process, you can switch to add different beats at any time, allowing you to make your own unique music, and you can also record and download and save.

How to use: After logging into the website, an animation will appear. There will be different notes below the character, use the mouse to drag the desired note to the character to make the type of sound, each time you put on a character, a second character will appear, you can use the same operation to put on the sound icon for it.

You can add up to seven people in this process, and you can press X to eliminate the sound at any time, and you can add one for each one you eliminate. After recording, you can follow its instructions to replay, share or download the action.

Web Code Online Test Tool

Dabblet:Web Code Online Testing tool is an online version of the web code testing tool, the convenient interface is very suitable for newcomers to create front-end layout.

Dabblet interface is very simple and easy to operate. It is easy to switch between HTML and CSS code by clicking on the tabs in the top right of the hidden toolbar. Users can adjust the preview effect of the front-end code according to their habits, and the full-screen preview in the browser will open in the new tab page.

Dabblet supports logging in with a Github account, and test snippets can be saved either anonymously or in the user's Github:gist so that the user can embed the snippet in their own site or further share it with others.

Online Vision Checker

Vision:Online vision detection tool Is a through the knowledge of online vision table to detect the user's eye vision website, eyes are very important to people, through the tool can monitor and exercise your eyes ability, the tool supports online test and cell phone application test.

Eye vision is the basis for people to see the world. If your vision is declining, you need to wear glasses or related treatment, this online version of the vision detection tool supports screen calibration, adjusting the size of the font, the letters provided for detection is no longer always "E", but through multiple letters to detect the eyesight, of course, if you often carry out letter recognition If you are a regular letter recognition exercise, there will be some help for the recovery of vision.

Cloud Mail Service Platform

MailJet: Cloud Mail Service Platform MailJet is a cloud mail service provider, offering cloud mail service solutions for small and medium enterprises who need to purchase or rent SMTP mail service. We provide mobile applications (iOS and Android versions) to provide real-time mail tracking service.

Cloud mail service not only can speed up the mail transmission Mailjet's service surface offers multi-language support and can optimize the sending and tracking process through its proprietary technology to reduce process costs and improve efficiency.

Mailjet was the first company in the field to launch a mobile application for mail tracking services, allowing users to monitor mail delivery using the mobile application and be kept informed of delivery feedback, open and link click frequency statistics.

Mailjet's service is a freemium model that provides customers with a small capacity free mailbox that can send up to 6,000 messages per month. So if you are interested in the service, you can sign up for an account to try it out for free.

Open Source Server Management Configuration System

OpenPanel:Open Source Server Management configuration system is an excellent remote linux/unix server for management and configuration tools, providing web interface and command line scripts developed based on Ajax technology, used to manage information including users, domains, email and web sites.

OpenPanel is a free open source control panel. It has a lot of features, an attractive interface and is very user-friendly. OpenPanel is a development platform. Because it is very open and modular, it can be used to control processes on any Linux server.

OpenPanel is designed to provide full control over all technical processes on a server through an inviting, Multiple layers of management allow the admin and all users to efficiently run their services. We cordially invite you to play around with, and contribute to our We cordially invite you to play around with, and contribute to our software

Online Youtube Video Subtitles Download Tool

KeepSubs:Online Youtube video subtitle download tool is a website that supports video subtitle download on video sites, users only need to copy the URL link of the video site to the address bar of the site to get the subtitles in the video, and the subtitles obtained support multi-language, formatted as SRT.

Many users who like to watch videos on Youtube video sites know that the need to download videos on Youtube sites requires If you want to get the subtitles in the video, you can't find a suitable tool, here is a recommended tool that can download Youtube video subtitles through URL link, the operation is very simple.

APP mobile application development crowd-funding platform

SellanApp:APP Mobile Application development public funding platform is a do not need to know the design and code, only creative ideas to achieve the app software development of the public funding site. You can not only raise funds, but also "collect" designers, developers.

SellanApp (Sell an App) was founded in 2011, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and began internal testing in April 2012. Now the website is officially online, accepting App creators from all over the world to raise funds and staff for their App on its platform.

If you have an idea, you post it, and write down the funds you want to raise, and what rewards people who promise to give you money will get (such as an App free redemption code, advertising on the promotion page, a share or a one-year premium account, etc.). Once you've raised the money, you can develop it yourself, or you can find a designer or developer. Your App can be charged or put in the App store for free download.

Now there are more app downloads than songs downloaded. There are thousands of apps in the app store, but there are still some cool ideas that haven't been implemented. So SellanApp allows everyone to contribute their best app idea and actually make it happen with the help of people.

Online personalized mailbox signature design tool

"Create a Signature" is a free online tool for designing signatures for Email mailboxes. Users only need to fill in the relevant information step by step according to the prompts on the website, and then they can create various styles of signature files, and with the signature code they can apply it to the mailbox.

According to the developer Create a Signature does not record any user information, including tracking and analysis tools, except for the large head posting function that must be uploaded as a picture to work properly, all other information will not be saved on the server side.

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