

Real-time Voice Translation Platform

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brief introduction

Babelverse:Real-Time Speech Babelverse is also a global platform for mediating interpretation services.

Register with Babelverse Then send a request to Babelverse for help with business, travel, or any other situation where you need a simultaneous interpreter. Upon receipt of your request, they will automatically screen and assign you the most suitable interpreter based on a variety of factors, including language type, ability, level, expertise and accent. You can apply through your computer, smartphone or other mobile device, and the interpreter will use a headset and provide you with a live interpretation service through your browser, Skype, SIP or local phone.

If you have strong interpretation skills, Babelverse can provide you with a new source of income. Although the default cost is 70% lower than the market rate, Babelverse sets different discount rates depending on the experience of the translator, the language and the level of consumption in the location in order to have better control over the price and quality of the translation. Professional interpreters who are professionally trained, certified or have extensive practical experience will be treated differently.

Real-time Voice Translation Platform
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